What can i snack on throughout the day?

Im finding it really hard to find food that i can snack on, because im allergic to fruit and nuts and also have ibs, so its so easy for me to just grab a chocolate bar!
Someone please give me some advice on what to snack on!!


  • suryamurthy0576
    suryamurthy0576 Posts: 10 Member
    Goats milk is very soothing if you suffer from IBS. Drink this as it is or with some honey.
    Ryvita style wholegrain crackers with cottage cheese / houmous / tzatziki
    Carrot/Cucumber/Celery sticks with houmous / tzatziki
    Priobiotic yoghurt in natural flavour with wholegrain bread sticks.
    Sesame crackers
    Any Soup with wholemeal bread croutons for a snack is not all bad if you are not out and about.
    Wholemeal bread with cheese
    Wholemeal pitta with houmous

    To up the protein content, you could egg whites along with any of the above.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    What kind of fruits are you allergic to? Surely not all of them?

    If you're looking for something salty, try Triscuit Thin Crisps plain, or with avocado or salsa. I also like low calorie popcorn, string cheese, pita chips, and little rolled up bits of deli meat with mustard. Oh, and snapea chips! :love:

    If you tend to crave sweet things, I usually snack on Welch's fruit gummies (sue me :laugh: ), low calorie kettle corn, fruit juice popsicles, frozen bananas or grapes, frozen lemonade, or a couple of squares of dark chocolate!

    That is, of course, aside from raw fruits and veggies. But I'm sure you already know that you can snack on those. :)

    It goes without saying: everything in moderation! I try to keep my snacks under 200 calories.
  • yoosha
    yoosha Posts: 1
    u can take sliced vegtables with lemon sauce & basil ... yummy yummy :D