Need help with P90x nutrition!!

Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
Hey allll :)

SO, heres the deal..i kinda am getting P90x from a friend, whom is burning it to my laptop from hers. therefor i do not believe i will have any sort of meal plan, nutrtition advice or anything like that, as far as i know, i am just getting the workouts. If anybody out there has ANY advice big or small, i welcome it!
I am a college student, so my budget, well is little. but i do wanna do this the right way so i maybe will have to ask daddio for some extra cash?
also, how should i prep for this? should i be doing anything days/week prior to starting? I wanna start monday..BUT this weekend is homecoming at my i know i will be in rough shape once the weekends over if you know what i mean.
any advice would be GREAT and really appreciated..i have a very high track record of quiting, or eating half the calories i should be when tryinig to loose weight, but im not giving up :)
Thanks loves!!! feel free to add me!


  • sexyvirgo911
    Hi I would recommend going to beachbody site & getting the free basic log on. From there you can get lot of help. They somtimes post the diet plan & workout guides to the site. Hope this helps.

    Add me as a friend if you do. lmthompson is my log on, stockton.
    Ive done P90x & Insanity. Love all their programs.

    Good luck.
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    ohh thank you thank you i will deffinitly check that out !! :):)
  • Pendragn
    The most important aspect of the P90X nutrition is maintaining the proper protein/carb/fat ratios. At the beginning, you want to be at about 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat. After a few weeks, you'll notice that you're increasing the intensity of your workouts, and you'll want to increase your carbs to give you more energy -- a balance of 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat. The nutrition guide also offers a portion plan (X number of servings of veggies, X of dairy, etc.) or a full-out meal plan, but I found them to be a lot harder to manage. You can find out how many calories they recommend for your body type by asking over on the Beachbody site. If you do a web search, you can also find all manner of spreadsheets to help you track both the workouts and the nutrition.

    You said you have a habit of not eating all the calories you should. You definitely don't want to do that on this nutrition plan. You'll be burning up to 500-600 calories during a P90X workout. If you short-change your calories, your body can't build muscle efficiently and will stall your metabolism, which will bring your weight loss to a screeching halt. Trust me on this one -- I had been eating fewer than 1000 calories/day for quite awhile before I started P90X, and I figured I'd keep my calories that low while increasing my exercise and be losing weight like crazy. Ha! Instead, I actually gained a few pounds, had no energy, and felt absolutely awful. I needed to (gradually) increase my calories to over 1500/day before I started losing again.

    The other key is cutting out white flour, white rice, sugar, etc., and making sure your calories come from lean protein, fruits & veggies, healthy fats, and whole grains. Your body is going to need the nutrition to meet the demands of the workouts, and empty calories are just going to slow everything down.

    Good luck! P90X is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    It is available on the internet...