Need help with P90x nutrition!!

SO, heres the deal..i kinda am getting P90x from a friend, whom is burning it to my laptop from hers. therefor i do not believe i will have any sort of meal plan, nutrtition advice or anything like that, as far as i know, i am just getting the workouts. If anybody out there has ANY advice big or small, i welcome it!
( i maybe shoulda posted this under nurtition forums) but oh well?
I am a college student, so my budget, well is little. but i do wanna do this the right way so i maybe will have to ask daddio for some extra cash?
also, how should i prep for this? should i be doing anything days/week prior to starting? I wanna start monday..BUT this weekend is homecoming at my i know i will be in rough shape once the weekends over if you know what i mean.
any advice would be GREAT and really appreciated..i have a very high track record of quiting, or eating half the calories i should be when tryinig to loose weight, but im not giving up :)
Thanks loves!!! feel free to add me!


  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Would your friend be willing to let you borrow the nutrition guide so you can at least calculate what your caloric intake should be? That would be very beneficial for you. If I remember correctly, the ratio should be somewhere around 40/40/20 and you can customize your calorie count and your percentage in your food settings. If you want, you can go to my food diary and go back about a year from today while I was doing my second round of P90X. That would give you some food ideas. You will notice that I pretty much eat the same thing everyday and that does not bother me. Every body is different on what they like and will tolerate. I hope that I was able to help at least a little.

    I wish you the best of luck with P90X. It is a great program and you will really like the results. If you feel like quitting, send me a message and I will explain why you don't want to quit. Hugs :bigsmile:
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    JJ!! there was lots of helpful resources on the internet that i used, but like i told you before i think ims tarting 30day shred before i get into p90x..and if i can do the shred i can probs do p90x
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    You gotta start someone and if you feel more comfortable with The Shred then go for it. It is better than not doing anything at all. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    I can email you a pdf copy of the nutrition guide