addicted to gum?

i chew about 1-2 packs of sugarless gum on weekdays (between 2-3 packs on weekends). i know it is a supplemental behavior to eating. i am not concerned about the calories that much (yes, i realize sugarless gum is not calorie-free), but chewing this quantity of sugarless gum does cause excessive bloating and stomach discomfort. there is just something very comforting about having gum on hand to chew...all the time. i even go to sleep chewing gum. i don't know if I am ready to give it up--though i know it is a crutch. can anyone else relate? if so, and if you have successfully stopped or reduced, what do you think helped? thank you.


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    The ingredients in sugarless gum are horrible for you in such large quantities and I don't let my kids have more then one stick if they want some. I think you could cause some damage.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    The ingredients in sugarless gum are horrible for you in such large quantities and I don't let my kids have more then one stick if they want some. I think you could cause some damage.

    ugh...i agree. this is the main reason i want to stop. i think there are less dangerous sugarless gum alternatives out there--but not readily available at any grocery store. I believe the gum that contain xylitol only is quite safe.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Go to.. sleep chewing gum? Is it in your mouth overnight? Forgetting the choking risk, I can't imagine gum was meant to sit against your teeth like that. It must get all kinds of bacterial and gross. Also, you're increasing you chances of developing TMJ, which is no fun. I have always had TMJ and it sucks when your jaw just randomly locks or painfully clicks.

    It sounds like you have an oral fixation. I would suggest putting a rubber band around your wrist. Every time you're tempted to chew gum, snap the rubber band. Then, desire for gum = mild pain. Classic negative reinforcement conditioning. That or, I don't know, drink water every time you want gum. You will be so hydrated.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Let's add this to the ever growing list of addictions on this site.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    Let's add this to the ever growing list of addictions on this site.

    I apologize. i don't want to make light of real addictions. perhaps my use of the term "addicted" was inappropriate. I will modify and just say that I use gum excessively to a point of habit.

    brittishbrocco---thanks for the suggestion. it is an oral fixation issue. i will attempt to replace gum with tea and water.