What results should I expect from T25?

Hi! I just got my t25 in the mail today and plan on starting this afternoon. Does anyone know if I will get really bulky and big? I am a petite female who wants to get smaller not crazy muscular!!! I am particularly looking to slim my calves and burn a lot of calories. What are your experiences?


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Yeah...no. I've been lifting heavy (as in throwing around 180lbs DL's) for years now and I look nowhere near bulky....

    Besides, T25 is a Cardio workout so very very unlikly to happen.

    Getting bulky is hard hun, and requires much much more than T25
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    No. From what I know, it's very difficult for a female body to become bulky/big, unless you are taking some serious supplements or specifically trying to bulk.

    I completed T25 Alpha+Beta+Gamma (Gamma is something you buy separately). As far as muscle goes, my biceps and shoulders probably look the leanest they ever have... can see a good amount of muscle definition (if I make a muscle... and somewhat if I am just at rest, but nothing too crazy). My quads haven't really changed in size, but my muscles feel really great in that area. When I go to do a squat and feel my quads, I hardly feel any "jiggle" in that area any more.

    I think it's a great program and wish you success.