
I'm having a hard time getting motivated to work. Even with my beach vacation a month away. I totally yo-yo with my weight. I can kill myself working out and still not move down the scale. We have a wellness coodinator at my work who has made a workout plan for me and pounds aren'y coming off. I've never really been a bad eater. Mornings I'm usually super hungry. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. Healthy things. (Breakfast- Jimmy Dean D'lite breakfast sandwich or egg whites and veggies a couple slices of bacon, lunch-lean meat, and a veggie and a carb (brown rice), protein bar or fruit snacks, or almonds.or a protein shake. Dinner- lean meat, veggies, a carb.) I don't get anywerhe close to 32 g of sugar as that is the max. I am just feeling discouraged and helpless and not motivated. And I get terribly anxious EVERY TIME I EAT!! Help. And depending on the scale, I am heavier sometimes. Also, even using this to track my food, i know i skip weekends and indulge a little but not like a piggie. I also have gained back weight. Help.


  • whtyoupick
    The hardest part is starting! Get up and just do a plank, for 20 secs. Your heart rate will go up and ull be ready to go. One small thing a day and you'll be on your way.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I'm having a hard time getting motivated to work. Even with my beach vacation a month away. I totally yo-yo with my weight. I can kill myself working out and still not move down the scale. We have a wellness coodinator at my work who has made a workout plan for me and pounds aren'y coming off. I've never really been a bad eater. Mornings I'm usually super hungry. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. Healthy things. (Breakfast- Jimmy Dean D'lite breakfast sandwich or egg whites and veggies a couple slices of bacon, lunch-lean meat, and a veggie and a carb (brown rice), protein bar or fruit snacks, or almonds.or a protein shake. Dinner- lean meat, veggies, a carb.) I don't get anywerhe close to 32 g of sugar as that is the max. I am just feeling discouraged and helpless and not motivated. And I get terribly anxious EVERY TIME I EAT!! Help. And depending on the scale, I am heavier sometimes. Also, even using this to track my food, i know i skip weekends and indulge a little but not like a piggie. I also have gained back weight. Help.

    you are not in a deficit.
    Log accurately.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Make sure that you are logging accurately, measure and weigh everything. Get a good digital scale for weighing and weigh each item that you plan to eat. Also make sure that you are eating the correct servings you may be surprised at what constitutes a serving with some items.
    Next get a good fast paced workout that you really like for your lunch time workouts. I do a HIIT routine that has the “fat juices” flowing in the first two minutes. If you’re not sure what HIIT is just google it, you’ll get the skinny on HIIT that way. You can also google Tabata and get plenty of great info.
    And drink plenty of water. Also watch your alcohol intake, it can really add up and undo all your hard work.
    Just don’t get discouraged, “never give up, never surrender!”
    Best wishes.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    i apologize if this sounds trite. motivation is very difficult to find and hold on to--even when we have major incentives right in front of us (upcoming beach vacation, healthy role-model for our children, pending health concerns, etc...) keep posting, keep logging, keep moving and continue to re-examine and refine your meal plan. whatever you not let discouragements stall you out. good luck. (jealous of your beach vacation!)