A Long Road Ahead..



  • stevefisher4274
    stevefisher4274 Posts: 12 Member
    I have only been here a week and I have a lot of weight to lose (about 200) so take this however you want. I have tried restriction diets over and over again. I have chosen to look at my weight loss as a math problem (what can I say, I love math). I have diligently logged everything that I consume and all of the exercise I have done each day. I let mfp choose my calorie goal but what I shoot for is a calorie deficit each day knowing that if I have a calorie deficit each day I will lose weight consistently. The more I consume, the more I need to exercise. Also each additional 3500 calories in deficit will equal an additional lost pound. Logging the food each day keeps me honest because if you eat something unhealthy you will have to have a plan to pay for it. No deprivation, just informed choices (I can't believe how many calories I was consuming before).

    Again, I have starved myself many times over trying to lose weight. For me, once I was done starving I went right back into my old habits. I for one am trying to start new, better ones. Please feel free to add me, anyone else is welcome. Obesity sucks, time to fight back!
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    +1 for math!! it really is that easy.

    most folks overcomplicate things... which is close to my biggest pet peeve about weight loss - is that the weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that confuses the &%&*% out of people, and makes a super simple concept >>math<< seem so freaking hard!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have only been here a week and I have a lot of weight to lose (about 200) so take this however you want. I have tried restriction diets over and over again. I have chosen to look at my weight loss as a math problem (what can I say, I love math). I have diligently logged everything that I consume and all of the exercise I have done each day. I let mfp choose my calorie goal but what I shoot for is a calorie deficit each day knowing that if I have a calorie deficit each day I will lose weight consistently. The more I consume, the more I need to exercise. Also each additional 3500 calories in deficit will equal an additional lost pound. Logging the food each day keeps me honest because if you eat something unhealthy you will have to have a plan to pay for it. No deprivation, just informed choices (I can't believe how many calories I was consuming before).

    Again, I have starved myself many times over trying to lose weight. For me, once I was done starving I went right back into my old habits. I for one am trying to start new, better ones. Please feel free to add me, anyone else is welcome. Obesity sucks, time to fight back!

    Sounds like a solid plan. As a fellow math nerd, it's my general approach as well. Almost three years of daily food and exercise logs later, I have a remarkable insight into how my body works. Just be sure not to try to hit *too* much of a calorie deficit to the point that actual extreme hunger leads you to make drastic decisions. (And occasionally take a look at the micro profile of the foods you're eating to check for any glaring deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.) Keep your calories at a level where you make satisfactory progress towards your goals without feeling like you're dying and you'll get there.