how do u do it? (water intake)

I only drink water, but I find it difficult drinking 8 cups and over. How do u make sure u get enough water a day?


  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    I drink a lot of water because I am always thirsty. On the days that i feel like I am not getting enough water, I put watermelon gum or any kind of fruit gum in my mouth. Anytime i eat or chew something sweet, I have to drink a lot of water. Maybe I am just weird lol
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I used to be horrible about getting my 8 cups in a day. in fact, 4 cups would be an achievement for me. i have resorted to two things that have helped my intake tremedously. i add a stevia sweetener into my water. I use Minute Maid Drops. It is tasty and gets the water down. Stevia is a naturally derived sweetener and there are no artifical flavors. Additionally, I drink LOTS of tea (mostly decaf). I add Truvia (again, from the stevia plant) to my tea. Good luck.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If you aren't used to doing it then give yourself time to develop the habit. Try adding flavor to it like lemon, fruit, Crystal Light, cucumbers, etc. Secondly, it is important to keep your body hydrated but this can come sources other than plain water like green tea, fruits, and veggies.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    As soon as I get up, I get a glass of water and make sure it's by me at all times. When I'm at work, I have a 22 oz cup of water standing by and I make sure I drink whenever I can. When it's empty, I make sure to fill it back up ASAP. I try to make it a goal to finish whatever cup I'm on before I leave for the day. :)

    Having it handy is what keeps me drinking. :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I make sure I drink two cups before I have my coffee - that helps.

    But my main thing is I take water with me everywhere I go. I have a Contigo water bottle that I fill with filtered water from my fridge. It holds 24 ounces, and I do my best to drain it at least three times a day. It's spill proof, goes in the dishwasher, and comes in fun colors - I have them for my whole family, each has their own color so we know which one to grab - and solves the problem of all those bottled waters laying around and getting mixed up.

    I find I drink more water if I always have it with me - in the car, by my recliner, on my desk, etc.
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    Every meal and every snack I drink a glass, that's a rule. That's automatically 6 glasses a day for me without any effort because its imprinted into my brain. Then I try to down at least 2 during my workout each day giving me a grand total of 8.

    Cold water is great, you will want to drink it before its gets warm.

    I just recently bought an insulated water bottle online and I'm hoping that will help me to drink more water too.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    > always have a bottle or a glass of water by me - when it's empty refil it
    > drink a glass of water before each meal
    > add low cal flavour/interest: i use a soda stream to fizz up my water, and my current favourite flavoring is angostura bitters
    find something that works for you and log it
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    I keep a 32 oz. cup with a straw at my desk. I can suck down a ton of water with a straw. I drink, I pee, I refill. I go through 6 of these a day, on average.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I just have to say, there is no requirement to drink 8 glasses a day, all fluids(coffee, tea, pop, juice, in foods) taken in help towards hydration. Your urine is the best indicator of hydration. If its pale to clear you are good, if its dark then you need to drink more.

    I try to keep a refillable water bottle with me at work and home, and I do my best to guzzle it. I have issues with dehydration and forgetting to drink water so I do my best to keep it with me and if I look at it, to drink it.

    its a bright red contigo water bottle.
  • Jazzie92
    Jazzie92 Posts: 35 Member
    K thanx!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I fill up 1.5L bottles and chill them in the fridge, drink throughout the day.
    I try to fill myself up before every meal and after every meal. It helps with the water intake if I'm not exactly active for the day.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I keep a 32oz water bottle with me always. I drink one on the way to work, one before lunch, one after lunch and one in the evening. Minimum of 4 bottles a day! It really helps with weightloss.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I have a 32oz waterbottle that I use every single day. I fill it twice a day, then I know I've hit my quota. I used to have to add flavoring to my water (I would carry mio in my purse). Now I don't need it, I haven't used mio in months. Once you start drinking a good amount of water a day, your body will crave it. :)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I carry a 32 oz. water bottle with me everywhere and refill it throughout the day. I actually feel kinda lost without it, and I resent having to buy a bottle of water when I'm out somewhere because I forgot to bring my own water bottle lol.
  • jesoda
    jesoda Posts: 3 Member
    you have to have a plan. drinking alot of water usually doesn't just happen. Figure out your day and how many oz you need to drink every hour, every two hours, etc to meet your goal. Winging it won't work.

    years ago I did this and I was drinking 100oz a day on a regular basis.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I just refill my 24 oz bottle with filtered tap water at least 3 times a day minimum I try to get double that if I can.
    Take the water with you at your side at all times and the second its done refill it. It becomes a habit.
  • Calamitycazza
    Calamitycazza Posts: 87 Member
    I find I cant drink water from cups as it seems way too much for me, so instead i brought a 1L bottle of volvic/evian water to take to work with me, drink it then fill it back up and drink it again, that was I was getting 2 litres a day and it didn't seem too much! I now repeat this process every day! I refill my bottle in the morning then again once its empty. Sometimes I find I drink up to 3 litres a day with this method!
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    8 8 ounce cups a day isn't the be all end all. It's a huge blanket statement and doesn't take into account the amount of water our bodies from food as well as all other beverages you consume which are mostly water. As long as there isn't a lot of caffeine or alcohol in them which dehydrate you then they count as well. Obviously a 125 lb person does not need as much water as some over 250. There are many factors including body composition, climate, activity level (do you sweat a ton every day? Work outside? Live here in south Florida?) If you're having trouble drinking what you think you need because you aren't at all thirsty, then relax, you're getting plenty already. If you must reach that 8 cup "rule" then drink nothing but water all day until you get your 64 ounces in you. Your pee is the best indicator, clear means you are getting plenty if water (it's going right through you). The yellower it is then the more you need to drink, just remember b vitamins make it yellow too after you take a supplement or energy drink.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    My 32 oz. water bottle goes with me everywhere.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If I'm thirsty, I have a drink.

    The recommendations for water are generally misrepresented and as above should include water you get in food and so on.
    Thirst is a very excellent mechanism evolved over many millions of years to tell us when we need to drink :).