Residual pain after shoulder surgery

Had a sub-acromial decompression about 5 months ago. There were no rotator cuff tears, just bone spur removal.
I started to bench press again (doc gave me go-ahead about 2 months post op). Pre-surgery I was doing reps with 315 x5. I am now back up to doing 175 x 5. I am not doing overhead press until I am completely pain free.

How long should I have mild localized pain in the joint? I don't have any sharp pain, but I get dull pain at the joint on my last set and then I'll have mild pain for a couple of days after. When I say mild it does not inhibit me, its just a little sore.

I want to make sure I'm not doing any damage and if I should back off bench press for a while until I am completely pain free. Or is this pretty normal to have residual pain for a while.

Anyone out there who has experience with this procedure have any thoughts?


  • I am about to undergo that same surgery. Seeing my ortho today to schedule. I can ask him ....
  • bigsistruck
    bigsistruck Posts: 125 Member
    Did you see a physical therapist after surgery? If not, maybe you should ask your doctor to refer you and they can help you get the last of that pain out of there.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    I went back and saw my orthopedic surgeon. He re-examined me and said I have a bit of tendinosis in my infraspinatus. He provided me with a protocol which is similar to the Starr rehab protocol. This seems to be slowly working.

    He basically fixed the impingement I had with the surgery, but the tendinosis just takes time.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I am three months into recovery from surgery to repair a major achilles tendon rupture. I started PT about three weeks out of surgery and am still in it. I recently stopped using a cane to walk, and recently got the go ahead to resume cycling at an easy pace for no more than 3-5 miles. Some pain is "recovery pain" -- tissue still knitting together, your body repairing itself, etc. Some is the result of using a joint/muscles/tendons and nerves that have not been used regularly since the injury. I think some residual pain is normal, but I would confirm what you are experiencing with your Dr. or physical therapist.
  • Had a sub-acromial decompression about 5 months ago.

    I want to make sure I'm not doing any damage and if I should back off bench press for a while until I am completely pain free. Or is this pretty normal to have residual pain for a while.

    Anyone out there who has experience with this procedure have any thoughts?

    I am having this exact surgery (Mumford Procedure) on 10/10. Doc said after you should feel immediate relief but be sore from surgery only. He said the biggest risk is not getting the arm moving quick enough and developing a 'frozen joint' He did say that not everyone gets 100% relief and said to follow up with your ortho if you're having actual pain in the same area

    Edited to add: just saw you followed up with surgeon and it's just tendonitis. Good to know! Anti imflamatories and ice will help after workouts. Ice down the area after arm/shoulder day before it starts to hurt and try to cut it off before it occurs. Lots of stretching too
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Ask your surgeon for a lydacane pump. If you do this you will feel nothing all weekend. it will get your through major pain period. I did that and I didn't bother taking any pain pills at all.
    Had a sub-acromial decompression about 5 months ago.

    I want to make sure I'm not doing any damage and if I should back off bench press for a while until I am completely pain free. Or is this pretty normal to have residual pain for a while.

    Anyone out there who has experience with this procedure have any thoughts?

    I am having this exact surgery (Mumford Procedure) on 10/10. Doc said after you should feel immediate relief but be sore from surgery only. He said the biggest risk is not getting the arm moving quick enough and developing a 'frozen joint' He did say that not everyone gets 100% relief and said to follow up with your ortho if you're having actual pain in the same area

    Edited to add: just saw you followed up with surgeon and it's just tendonitis. Good to know! Anti imflamatories and ice will help after workouts. Ice down the area after arm/shoulder day before it starts to hurt and try to cut it off before it occurs. Lots of stretching too