Need to lose 50 pounds

I'm new here an I just need support.. I am doing the insanity program and it is kicking my but(not necessarily in a good way). I currently weigh 184 and I'm 5'7... I really need to lose fifteen inches off my waist.. That is my worst area. I just need help and tips to eat better and if anyone has done insanity pleas share!! No one I know has done insanity so I'm pretty alone here. So please share your before and after with insanity and thank you to anyone who does!!!


  • tony49837
    tony49837 Posts: 15 Member
    You've probably heard it before, but here goes: You really can't spot lose weight. Exercise will help tone your muscles and lose some weight, but it's more about eating less calories than your body needs each day. This is a marathon not a sprint. Set your weight loss goal to 1 lb. per week and keep track of everything you eat. Don't cheat. Also *Important* eat the calories you are allotted, but don't eat back the calories you have exercised off.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I have approx. 50 pounds left to lose myself. Good luck to us both!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Instead of thinking of it as 50 lbs to lose or 15 inches off your waist, try to look at it as I will lose 1 lb this week. Its easier to keep fitness goals small as you are more likely to achieve them as opposed to the grand picture always seeming unattainable.

    Also, its impossible to spot reduce. Fat comes and goes where it wants to. It sucks but that's the truth.

    Eat at a calorie deficit (1 lb a week weight loss is a good deficit), exercise and lift weights so you dont lose a lot of muscle while eating at a deficit, weight and measure all of your food so you know what the calories are, and have patience. This is a race for tortoises not hares.
  • TheChuDog
    TheChuDog Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry...haven't done Insanity, however I did do P90X. The key is not to worry whether you can do everything or keep up with the class in the video. Just keep pressing play as Tony Horton says and do what you can. You can modify all of the exercises to be less painful and tasking but you are still getting a good workout. But to lose inches, the workout will help but the diet is key.