BMR/TDEE confusion!

Hi everyone, I'm extremely confused about my calories.

I started off at 263 lbs, and have steadily lost 30 pounds (233 lbs now) for the past 2 and a half months eating around 1800 calories a day. However for the past week I have only been eating 1400 calories in hopes to lose 2 pounds per week... Which is stupid, because I had already been losing two pounds per week on 1800. But I'm confused.... many calculators tell me I need to eat 1400 to lose 2 pounds per week. But that's far below my BMR which is 1870. I feel lost on the amount of calories I need to be eating, because my BMR is 1870, and my TDEE is 2572.

How many calories should I be eating? about 2000? 2100? Isn't there supposed to be a happy middle within the two? I'm so lost! I know eating below your BMR isn't healthy....
Can someone explain this?

Some stats:
Female, 19, 233 lbs, 5'2, exercise 3x per week (usually run two miles)

Thanks so much!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If 1800 calories was working for you then why change things? Don't try and fix what isn't broke.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I agree - go back to the 1800 which was working great for ya!

    As for it being below your BMR, it is my understanding that when you have a lot to lose, eating a bit below BMR for a time is okay. As you continue to lose, make sure you recalculate your numbers along the way as they will change.

    Great info in this topic: I've had my best success following the info there. Maybe it will give you some more insight into setting your goals.

    Good luck!
  • LaneB89
    LaneB89 Posts: 93 Member
    Are you stalling? You say you were already losing 2 pounds per week eating 1800 calories a day. If that hasn't stopped, the simplest answer is to continue doing what has worked for you. That said, if you are using a calculator that doesn't factor in your body fat percentage, it's going to be inaccurate. Calculators will overestimate your BMR and TDEE by quite a bit if you are carrying a significant amount of body fat. Most of those calculators will also overestimate the amount of calories you're burning during exercise. At 2 miles 3 times a week, I'd reckon that's a total of 650-700 calories burned (for the whole week) depending on your pace. That means you could eat an extra 100 calories a day over not exercising at all. Finally, eating below your BMR is not inherently bad, especially for people with a good bit of weight to lose. It's when your body doesn't have the necessary fat stores to burn for energy that eating below your BMR becomes a real problem. That said, listen to your body - it will let you know if eating below BMR is an issue.
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    If 1800 calories was working for you then why change things? Don't try and fix what isn't broke.
