New Routine: please review?

Hi all - this week I am going to try a new workout regime, what do you think of it?

Monday: cardio for 15 minutes (walk 2min - jog/spring - walk 2min) + HIIT (50 jumping jacks - 20 lungs - 20 sit ups - 10 jump squats - 10 side lunges on each side - 30 squats) 3 ROUNDS

Tuesday: 25 minute run

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: cardio for 15 minutes (walk 2min - jog/spring - walk 2min) + HIIT (10 tricep dips - 20 push ups - 30 second side plank on each side - 40 arm circles - 50 burpees) 3 ROUNDS

Friday: 25 minute run

Saturday: rest

Sunday: potential easy jog

Of course, I will also be tracking my daily intake with MFP. Comments?


  • bcerk
    bcerk Posts: 41
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    wait what are your goals? slim, lean, ripped, bulky/muscular.

    It seems like you are going for the slim look with all the cardio so if that is the case...looks like a solid little regimen. :-)

    Wish you much success.
  • bcerk
    bcerk Posts: 41
    I am definitely working to slim down while toning my muscles. Glad it looks okay!