wow ANOTHER introduction thread

ok I am partially writing this out because maybe I just have a few things I need to say, not to anyone in particular, just to myself I guess. having friends would be neat too.

TL;DR(for those who cannot comprehend a few paragraphs): I am 18, female, in the midst of finishing highschool and making my way through my first job. I live with my parents. You can call me Bella or Isabella or whatever you want. I've been fat my whole life and insecure too. I want everyone and anyone to add me, I do not care if you are fat and ugly, skinny and gorgeous, male, female, transexual, young, old, rude, nice or whatever. Just add me. Having friends is cool. I keep an open diary to anyone and I will not sugar coat anything, I'll probably be a bit upfront at times if you have like 10 slices of cake in a day or something. I am TRYING to eat simple, healthy foods and staying away from artificial snack stuff. Help me log consistently and I'll help you do the same.

ANYway, my name is Bella and MFP and I are old friends(or maybe enemies?) I think I've had around 3 accounts in the past and only stayed true to one. Anyway I really just want to stay committed to this whether I'm losing weight or not. last week I weighed myself on the old family scale and it showed around 191 lbs. See, I'm quite the deluded child and assumed that the scale is off by 30 or something since it's this old rusty dial scale. So I wasn't bothered. I continued on eating whatever I want drinking whatever I want.

So then it started to dawn on me and the thought of going on a "diet"(counting calories, watching what I ate) was gnawing at the back of my brain. And I was screaming NO! NO NONONON!!!! in my head because I honestly didn't care about being chubby/fat. I wanted to be happy and eat 10 tacos or that whole pizza or that whole bag of chips/gummy worms/etc. I wanted to drink a whole 2 liter of generic Dr. Pepper sodas everyday. It made me happy. Food is pretty much my best friend to be honest.

I'm not exactly sure of WHAT clicked in my brain and made me take up MFP again... Around last thursday I got my paycheck and I said okay whatever I'm going to buy a fancy scale and see how much I actually weigh. And lo and behold my fancy scale gave me 191lbs with 38% body fat. So I thought, ****, I should probably do something. I was honestly starting to become aware of how ****ty I was feeling. After eating so much fat laden crap for dinner I'd get heartburn and a pain in my chest. Not very fun for me. I would feel SO exhausted all the time and if I didn't have my soda I would go on a murderous rampage but murdering bags of chips instead of people.

I also recently discovered how disgustingly out of shape I am. I am on my feet all day at work as a courtesy clerk for a supermarket(Safeway, anyone?) So I assumed I was getting enough exercise to eat 1 family bag of hot cheetos a day and a whole box of kraft mac and cheese a day. Well I wasn't.

Well anyway, yeah I'm looking to lose weight and have a few buddies to help me through. I want to help other people too. I'm looking to lose around 50 pounds from 191. I'm 5'5" so 140 is a normal number for me. The main exercise I do is walking, I keep a pedometer on me all day so I can track how much I walk/burn at work and I'll go for the occasional walk around my neighborhood and such. if I'm feeling good and bored I'll do the odd hour of yoga in a simple ashtanga series. I measure my waist, hips, upper arm and legs as well as my weight and body fat % so I might be going on about losing a few inches.

Okay I'll shut up now. I might start writing in my blog. If you've read this far thank you for taking time out of your day to learn a bit about me. Add me!


  • jenn_ed
    jenn_ed Posts: 41 Member
    Friend request sent :)
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Welcome! I added you. Your intro made me laugh :) I log every day and I can help you!
  • isade3
    isade3 Posts: 7
    woo thank you ladies. all these requests from beautiful girls is making me feel bad for having Beavis as a display picture rather than my own face. :bigsmile:
  • isade3
    isade3 Posts: 7
    BUMP for friend requests and fast moving forums~