Hello ^_^

Hi I am Neo I started my fitness pal a week a ago and with the calorie counter i am doing my best to eat within my calories. I enjoy eating along with playing video games. I also like to write fanfiction, watch anime, Japanese dramas and BBC shows.

I am active i go to the gym 4 days a week, 3 of those days is strength training and the last day is my cardio day. I also play Fitness games like Dance Dance Revolution and Just dance. I even go on youtube and workout to fitness videos like tae bo and zumba.

I hope one day will get to my goal wight which is 150 pounds i am currently 171.3. I know it will be hard to get there but i will do my best .


  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    As a fellow gamer, I wish you success! I've had good results mixing games and exercise (stationary bike). I've gotten way into a game before and finished a couple hours of exercise without noticing it. Something to try if you get the chance.