I've lost 41lbs in 2 months... Why don't I feel more proud??



  • trishnottrisha
    trishnottrisha Posts: 182 Member
    You lost 41lbs in 2 months? Did I read that right? If you lost 41lbs sensibly and I miss read your post, congratulations! If you lost 41lbs by starvation I hope you get some help!

    You must have misread. I did say eating healthier NOT starvation. I never have less than 1200 calories in a day. Thanks for the concern though. ;)
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I think it's just hard to accept how long it takes. It can be quite a drag how slow and you go into it thinking it should't take too long but time flies and yes your having success but before you know it, it's summer and you're still not there. That's how I feel anyway. I mean I'll stick at it but I never realised how short of time in terms of weight loss it took to get to Summer..
  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    Some good advice and ideas for you on here already, but I wanted to take a different tack.

    First of all, what you're experiencing here is quite common among people who have a lot of weight to lose. So you are not alone! So many of us believed for so long that if we could *just* lose this weight then we'll be happy, we'll be healed, we'll finally be okay. But while getting the weight off our frames is *nice*...it does NOT fix us...that is, it does not fix us on the inside. Our heads and our hearts need just as much "work" as our bodies do.

    I cannot tell you the number of testimonials I have read on here, and heard in real life, from people who finally reached their goal weight but still could not stand the sight of themselves. They could not celebrate their victory. They still saw themselves as "fat", "imperfect", "a failure" and so on and so forth.

    This is because they fell for the lie that weight gain, weight loss, your relationship with food, etc. are merely a physical issue. If their bodies were fixer-upper houses, for example, they would have spruced up the bushes, cleaned out the gutters, mowed the lawn, painted the shutters...and yet the inside of the house was crumbling from within. Or, if their bodies were a gushing wound, it's like they put a band-aid over it, when they needed stitches, sutures, and antibiotics to heal.

    You have already done amazing work on your body so far. You say you have 54 lbs to go. I say, "good". :) This means you can start seeking out help and answers to work on your insides, your emotional world, your mental world, while you lose the rest of this weight. This way, your insides will match your outsides, and when you get to your goal weight you are going to throw a party for yourself because you'll be so proud and happy. You'll admire yourself. You'll realize you're not perfect but you'll love yourself anyway. This is an amazing opportunity to change the trajectory of your LIFE. :)

    Start looking for articles, links, books, etc. on body image, self esteem, body dysmorphia, emotional eating, and all sorts of topics related to weight loss and the mental change that needs to take place with it. Journal about your progress. Praise yourself (or learn to). If you must, perhaps even talk to a counselor for guidance or emotional exercises to do that will help you.

    You don't have to be apathetic. You can be happy. It's just going to take some work. Best of luck to you.

    THIS! This lady had insight.

    Brandolin get it !! and You are not Alone !