Looking for new friends to share with or help motivate

I celebrated my one year anniversary on myfitness pal yesterday! I have been successful in that year, I have lost 75.6 pounds in total and I owe a lot to others on this site who offered words of encouragement, motivation and friendship so I am kind of looking to pay it forward and share with others. I am down to 28 friends currently and about a quarter of them have been inactive for a while.

I am back to being a runner, I try to run at least 3 to 4 days a week which included a 8.11 trail run yesterday on my 1 year anniversary yesterday, looking back I couldn't run .11 miles at this point last year. I am still approximately 3 pounds from what the BMI charts consider normal weight but I am very happy where I am at so we'll see.

If you would like to add me as a friend to share motivation, I can offer motivation to those who are looking to lose weight, I am active and will always try to comment and offer encouraging words. It is helpful to me also to see others accomplishments to help me stay the course. Feel free to add me if you are looking for motivation or just looking for friends to share running stories or working on making lifestyle changes.
