Just an intraduction

Hi my name is Maureen I started my diet on Sept. 1st 2010, I am doing the medical weight loss diet by Sucess by Design out of Pinellas Park, Fl. My first week i lost 9.2 lbs the 2nd to the present has been slow but im down to 162 from 180 so I dont feel Ive done to terribly bad. I get the b-12 shoys every week and I started 2 weeks ago with the super lipo they offer, I just started the Calcium Pyruvate, I think that may be working for me. My exersise reggime is 3-4 times a week for no less then 40 minutes on the tredmill for 3.5 mph with a recent intraval of the first 10 minutes @ 3.5 then one minute every 5 minutes for 35 minutes...... did you guys get that??? well thats where im at and i do this while doing my job as a EMT out of Tampa,Fl. I work 12-14 hours 0n an A/B rotation and in Jan. Ill be starting paramedic school I just want to reach my goal of 130lbs. by March 5th...... my 40th birthday. Okay enough about me I wanna meet some people so we can support each other!!!!!!