Let's lose 25 pounds together!



  • Empee24
    Empee24 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in, and I am hopeful!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Hi all! I am looking to lose 20 to 30 lbs. I with it. I am not giving up. I will be on here everyday and my diary is open! Lets do this together. Anyone can add me!
  • sz6fit
    sz6fit Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. I need a kick start.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    If anyone wants to, they can join and participate in my challenge group !
  • _kathy
    _kathy Posts: 2
    Yes! I am IN!
  • hellakellasee
    hellakellasee Posts: 318 Member
    feel free to add me. I have about another 30 to lose but I'm dedicated, highly motivational, and i log daily :)
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    It's time I introduced myself to the group. I have been on MFP off and on for a year or so. I need all the motivation/help I can get.

    I'm 62 years old. 5'2" (157cm) and do my weighing of self and food using the metric system. As of this morning, I weighed 86.3kg (189.9#). In the past 10 years, my peak weight was 95.9kg (211#) and my lightest was last week at 85.8kg (188.8#). I don't consider anything up to about 1.4kg (3#) to be of a concern as I can easily retain that much in water if I eat something salty. I am wanting to lose extra weight primarily for my long term health. I don't have a specific goal as I know a pound of muscle and a pound of fat take up vastly different volumes. I will go mostly by how I feel, how my clothes fit and what my semi-annual blood work shows. I do know that 11.4kg (25#) is very realistic for a starting goal.

    I have a big sweet tooth which is a challenge for losing weight. I do love my Coca-Cola but can't physically tolerate the Zero so I try to limit my regular Coke consumption. I do pretty good in the winter but now that the weather is warm, it will be a challenge to stay to one can/day. I can budget the calories for that.

    My other big weakness is meat! I LOVE a good steak...especially one cooked on the grill. I am getting better at choosing leaner steaks and other lean meats.

    Exercise has been hit and miss over the past few months. I plan to get back into the local gym 3 times a week...I also plan to do videos at home on the alternate days. I know better (school of hard knocks) than to go overboard and then either get too sore to move or get burned out. That was a hard learned lesson.

    Some of my exercise this time of year is yard work and gardening. I am very prone to sunburn and overheating so I have to be careful...another live-and-learn lesson for me. Yesterday I got a reasonable portion of my garden cleaned up. I stopped when my trash cart got full. I discovered that some herbs have very deep roots that also spread out all over the place!! The ONLY herb I didn't want to grow this year came back with a vengeance and that one fit the "rooty" description. It took 15 min of pulling, digging, and naughty language to get that one out. Hopefully I don't see pieces of it shooting up but I'm not holding my breath.

    I'd love to hear from others going on this 25# adventure and see what their strategies are and why they have chosen to tackle it. I believe the more we know about ourselves as individuals and as a group, the more support we can provide.

    I'm a "catruledquilter" who is owned by 3 cats. Any of you with cats know exactly what I mean...we don't own them! My current avatar is a tribute to two sweet tabby/white sisters who came into my life when they were 5 weeks old back in 1997. The one on the left, Piton, died at the end of Feb 2013 and her sister, Pixel, died at the end of Jan 2014. I currently have 3 cats...one is 13.5...she has a real catitude...and the "boys" are 2 and 2.5.

  • mojo41mfp
    mojo41mfp Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in please. I joined today and I would like to lose 25 pounds
  • westlove
    westlove Posts: 2
    Oh I would LOVE to lose 25 pounds for STARTERS! So count me in!:laugh:
  • Fit2morrow
    Fit2morrow Posts: 48 Member
    First day back after a (far too long) hiatus from MFP. 25 lbs sounds just about right to me, count me in. Heaven knows I can use all the support I can get!
  • KittyFab111
    Ok - what am I doing wrong??? I'm journaling my food, trying to stay away from processed food, hitting my calorie targets (sometimes a little under) and getting at least 30 minutes of cardio 4-6 days per week. I was hoping my first week I would drop a bunch of water weight (just the loss would be inspiring), but I have stayed the same! Oh well - at least I didn't gain weight but I feel all my hard work last week was for nothing.
    Does age really have anything to do with this - meaning as I grow older (and enter menopause) is my metabolism slowing down?
  • KittyFab111
    Yay - down a little over one pound - slow and steady wins the race! :laugh:
  • lauramrenfro
    lauramrenfro Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm in. I've never posted or been a part of a group. How does it work? Do we get notices, or updates? How do we stay in touch.

    I would also love a work out buddy. I live in Hartford CT area. Anyone around the area?

    I lost 35 lbs (still wanted to lose an extra 10) a couple years ago and time and life changes brought back 10 so I'm back to needing to shed 20! Why is it so easy to put on and so hard to take off? Well, I know the answer, I just don't like it!
  • sbrookes9
    sbrookes9 Posts: 445 Member
    Count me in! I need to lose 25 1bs as well and am looking for support.
  • ninacapri14
    I'm all for it!!!! I started on my healthy lifestyle the last week of February and so far I have lost 25 lbs and my goal is to lose another 25 lbs by then end of July!
  • Moyer22
    Moyer22 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in too! I've used this website on and off for awhile but it's time to start being consistent. 25 lbs is about what I've gained since I started my most recent job (long shifts, sitting all day, fast food, etc.) so I can definitely use the motivation!

  • janconroy
    janconroy Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in. I was on weight watchers, started at 171.4, now down to 157.4 and stalling, up a lb, down a lb. Need to get my act going, holidays in September and I need to look great on the beach!
  • KSongstress84
    Just joined MFP last week after hitting a plateau with WW. A whole bushel of grapes was 0 points somehow, so no wonder the scale wouldn't budge. Just one week on MFP and the scale went down 1.5 lbs. Yay!

    I'm trying to lose just over 25 lbs, and maybe more once I get there, so I'm down to join the group. Should I just add everyone here as a friend? I don't have ANY MFP friends.
  • jmarinacci
    jmarinacci Posts: 3 Member
    I am in got about 25 more lbs to loose, trying to keep up about 10lbs a month! Any of use withings pulse with MFP? Its a pretty cool combo.
  • joanwatsonhart
    Me please