Introduce myself : )

Hi all ! My name is Nancy , and I'm 47 years old . Have always struggled with an extra 40 - 50 pounds of weight on my 5'1" body . Have had 4 kids , and work hard 5 days a week as a RN . I love to do stuff around the house , and love the outdoors . But literally have lost all energy to do anything after starting to take a medication for blood pressure in the last 2 months . I am a fast food eater , and a comfort food eater to be honest . I want to start out with small goals , like 10 pounds in a month or so . I will be happy to shed any pounds that i can . I just have to stay on track . Dieting isn't new to me . Ive tried them all . Im just sick and tired of being sick and tired : ( need some buddies if anyone is interested : ) i am officially starting tomorrow . Please help : ) Thank you


  • Ill be your buddy! I'm looking for one too. I'm turning 30 on Friday. I have 2 kids. Ages 3 and 1. I started MFPal almost 2 months ago now and I have lost 16lbs I love this app and I just came on the forum for the first time last night. Lets do this together I work full time too so I know how u feel!
  • melissab2304
    melissab2304 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello... Ill be your buddy too! Im a mom of 3, work full time, and im a hairstylist on the side... totally know the feeling of not having the time, but if you really think about it, you do have the time! Even 25 minutes is long enough for a great workout! Are you working out what type of excersice are you doing?
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    Fell free to add me :drinker:
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Let's do it!
  • Hi, I'm Nadine. I live in the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I have tried many weight loss fad plans, and have had some success, but I always put the weight back on. I have decided to begin a lifestyle change. I am 34 years old, and am the proud mother of a beautiful 2 year old daughter. I think that this process will provide me with the support I need on this journey. I am a very sociable person, and would really appreciate being welcomed by the Community. I look forward to this exciting journey and hope to meet great friends.:flowerforyou:
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    First of all, please don't diet. Really, it always fails. And don't focus on the 10 lbs./month, that may or may not happen. Start by changing some small things that would make your body healthier. Walk more, log your calories to see what your eating, drink more water if you don't now drink 8 glasses a day. Check out some friend's diaries who have lost weight and are maintaining and see how they manage it.

    Making small changes helps you sustain the changes and as time passes (which is always will), you will see the difference and be encouraged to take things farther.
  • Hi my name is Samantha. I am 35 the mother of Daniel and Destiny. This is my year. I have decided to go for the life I want. My goal is to weigh 150 pounds. This is the first time that I have ever really dieted in my whole life. I am so proud of my progress and motivated to continue. I joined my fitness pal because keeping a food journal really helps me to stay on track.. I am new to this site and I would love to have some friends. Please add me
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I just ran across this, it is worth the time to read it.
  • Malimaz
    Malimaz Posts: 24 Member
    Hello nancy and welcome to mfp, I wish you much success. Feel free to add me as buddy I am now in second week and am very happy with results.
  • eminer1966
    eminer1966 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Eric and I too am 47 years old...I just recently hit the 300 lb marker and now I know this weight thing is serious. I am married with 2 great kids, both teenagers...God Help me!!! I have been married for 23 years this July to my beautiful wife Julie, who just happens to be a ICU nurse. So, whenever a 40 year old comes in with a heart attack I hear all about it and that I need to do something. Recently we have been having marital problems and a lot of it is due to my addiction to food. I am hoping this time, with the help of a local gym, MFP, and my own perseverance I can overcome this addiction and beat this once and for all. 2 years ago I attended the Biggest Looser ranch in Malibu, Ca for 1 month and lost 30 lbs...what a great experience but it is so easy to loose weight inside a vacuum with no outside stresses to deal with. This time I need to do it for myself and my family. I too am looking for a buddy that can help me stay on track. My wife is done with supporting me on this journey...she just needs to see results and I get that.
  • Malimaz
    Malimaz Posts: 24 Member
    Kudos eric for taking the first step to get back on the path, feel free to add me and my husband emazen78, we are in our second wek and loving our new venture.
  • saunca
    saunca Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Nancy! I'm just about 42 and 5'1 as well!! I KNOW what it's like to carry around 40-50 of extra weight while being so short!! There's not a lot of places for the extra weight to go. I'd love to be support buddies. I started last year, just trying to lose 1/2 lbs a week. It was slow, but very steady, and I lost 22lbs in roughly a year. A recent heath set back stalled my weight loss and I gained back about 6lbs. BUT, I am cleared to exercise again and have Re-started a "Couch-to5K" program. It's also very slow, but steady progress. Don't be too hard on yourself this first month. Slow and steady usually beats rapid weight loss followed by rapid regain. BUT, if you are set on a 10lbs loss, I will cheer you on all the way!!!
    Feel free to count me in as a buddy.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Hi all. I'm 39 with two older boys. Been here a little while now but going good. You can add me if you like, I log and comment daily :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi, I'm Nadine. I live in the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I have tried many weight loss fad plans, and have had some success, but I always put the weight back on. I have decided to begin a lifestyle change. I am 34 years old, and am the proud mother of a beautiful 2 year old daughter. I think that this process will provide me with the support I need on this journey. I am a very sociable person, and would really appreciate being welcomed by the Community. I look forward to this exciting journey and hope to meet great friends.:flowerforyou:

    Hello to you as well! :-) you sound very nice. I'm also a mother :-)
  • wanderlustre72
    wanderlustre72 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello to you and all your new buddies, I am 41 with a 16 year old boy and 13 year old girl, living in Scotland, UK and would be up for being your buddy and getting to know you.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, if anyone else on the thread wants a Scottish buddy too - please just give me a nudge.

    Christine x