Here's my story.

Hi everyone!

I'm Pan. I'm a little bit nervous, having never dieted before in my life. Exercised plenty, though. I'm an ex-dancer. Had a leg and lower-back injury a few years ago that messed up my career and sent me spiraling into depression and towards food. Anyway, thought it was time to get my life back on track, so here I am :) Trying again. Here's what I'm trying to do.

Age: 26
Height: 5 foot / 152cm
Current Weight: 51.1kg (116.8lb)
Desired Weight: 47kg (103lb)

Exercise: 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike, 10,000 steps a day walking and Jillian Anderson's 30-day shred (20 minutes) each day. So far so good, but the 30-day shred video shows that my stamina is non-existent :( Even though I'm managing 10 minutes straight on the bike at 140BPM~). I've bought myself a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor for better tracking and I wear it religiously.

Calculating my calorific needs, my BMR is 1174, and I'm moderately active as I teach and do the exercises above, so my daily calorie needs (as calculated) are usually about 1800 to maintain weight. I'm aiming to lose about 2 pounds a week, so I eat my 1200 calories as suggested by the MFP app and then any exercise calories that I earn back. I don't log my 10,000 steps a day into the MFP app though.

I'm hungry all the time. If you've read this far, thank you :D I wish you all the best in your weight loss/gain/maintenance goals. Any advice or input on what I should/shouldn't be doing would be appreciated. :)

Random observation Number 17: I miss my mother's cooking.


  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You don't have a lot to lose, you should aim for .5 lbs a week. The closer to goal the closer to maintenance you should be eating.

    Also, with the amount of exercising you are doing, you probably aren't fueling your body properly.

    Start strength training. I imagine you're wanting to save muscle while losing fat.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    pick a smaller more sustainablel and healthier weight loss rate 0.5lb/wk

    the 2lb/week is intended for the obese or morbidly obese
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    If you are hungry all the time, increase your calories a bit and eat some healthy fat at each meal. There is no benefit to super-fast results if you design something that you can't stick to.
  • VanessaMP90
    VanessaMP90 Posts: 19 Member
    goodmorning lovely people!:)
  • VanessaMP90
    VanessaMP90 Posts: 19 Member
    your doing great! i may have to start the shred
  • Panufnik
    Panufnik Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for your responses!

    .5 pounds a week it is, then. I appreciate it. As you've said, I do want to maintain/gain muscle so I'll try to work some strength training in even though the thought of it is terrifying. Mostly I'd love to lose this little round Buddha belly I've acquired! The only thing I'm slightly worried of is aggravating my weak lower back. Any core-exercises y'all swear by? Much appreciated :)

    Random Observation Number 12: Celery does not fill me up between meals :(
  • Panufnik
    Panufnik Posts: 6 Member
    I really enjoy the shred. I find playing music at the same time keeps me going while she talks me through! Plus it's 20 minutes but it is pretty intense. Well worth it if you're just getting into fitness videos etc :)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member
    If you are hungry all the time, try decreasing carbs and increasing protein. If I eat a lot of carbs, I am ravenous. I believe it spikes my blood glucose, which then causes an insulin spike which brings my blood glucose too low. The low blood sugar then triggers hunger and renewed carb cravings.
  • Panufnik
    Panufnik Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for this! I'll definitely try to eat more protein and less carbs (I do love me some carbs...)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm not understanding why you are going to limit carbs. Unless you have a medical condition, there is no need.

    Feel free to look at my diary on here.
  • Panufnik
    Panufnik Posts: 6 Member
    I'll certainly take a look :)

    I won't limit carbs that much, I just am going on recommendation that protein makes you feel fuller. I truly enjoy my carb-based foods and won't be giving them up completely. Just looking for things to make me feel less hungry and more full for longer :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Pan. I'm a little bit nervous, having never dieted before in my life. Exercised plenty, though. I'm an ex-dancer. Had a leg and lower-back injury a few years ago that messed up my career and sent me spiraling into depression and towards food. Anyway, thought it was time to get my life back on track, so here I am :) Trying again. Here's what I'm trying to do.

    Age: 26
    Height: 5 foot / 152cm
    Current Weight: 51.1kg (116.8lb)
    Desired Weight: 47kg (103lb)

    Exercise: 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike, 10,000 steps a day walking and Jillian Anderson's 30-day shred (20 minutes) each day. So far so good, but the 30-day shred video shows that my stamina is non-existent :( Even though I'm managing 10 minutes straight on the bike at 140BPM~). I've bought myself a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor for better tracking and I wear it religiously.

    Calculating my calorific needs, my BMR is 1174, and I'm moderately active as I teach and do the exercises above, so my daily calorie needs (as calculated) are usually about 1800 to maintain weight. I'm aiming to lose about 2 pounds a week, so I eat my 1200 calories as suggested by the MFP app and then any exercise calories that I earn back. I don't log my 10,000 steps a day into the MFP app though.

    I'm hungry all the time. If you've read this far, thank you :D I wish you all the best in your weight loss/gain/maintenance goals. Any advice or input on what I should/shouldn't be doing would be appreciated. :)

    Random observation Number 17: I miss my mother's cooking.
    Actually your BMR is about 1324. You should be shooting for no more than 1% of your body weight a week or even less if you have little to lose (within 10lbs).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member
  • Panufnik
    Panufnik Posts: 6 Member
    O.o Looks like the calculator I must have used was wrong! Thanks for pointing that out ninerbuff! I'll readjust my values to reflect this. :) Thanks again.

    Very interesting article acpgee. I do eat a fair bit of fibre and I do find it helps with cravings. :)
  • kates217
    kates217 Posts: 3
    when i first got married every body in my husband life love me but after five years they turn against me because i was unable to bear children and one faithful day i discover a testimony through the internet and now i am happy because the email address i found the man who owns it help me for good and now am eight months pregnant and i know i am going going to give birth because he told me that antelope give birth without losing a child on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye) God did so that He will be glorified.
  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    The only thing I'm slightly worried of is aggravating my weak lower back. Any core-exercises y'all swear by? Much appreciated :)

    Random Observation Number 12: Celery does not fill me up between meals :(

    i have a weak lower back as well - bulging disc from a few years back. its mostly fine now, but i am always concerned about it. my physio gave me a few exercises that helped:
    pretty much all of those. they will really help, i promise.
    the cat/camel was weird at first, but i got used to it. and the quadruped one, we called it bird/dog for some reason. anyways. it worked.

    just slowly rebuild your strength. and dont forget about the rest of your core! stabilization is key