Foam rolling - when? how often? how long?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I built my own roller from a 3' length of 4" PVC pipe from Home Depot and wrapped it with duct tape to make it less slippy on the floor. As you can imagine, it's got zero give and it's not for the faint hearted, but once you finally manage to relax into it, it rolls way better than the beginner spongy rollers.

    I have super tight calves and I've never found that the standard rolling techniques you can find on youtube could open them up without a partner leaning on my shins to push them into the roller. I found this:

    and his technique of knee-sitting back on a hard roller to use your bodyweight to work the calf fascia is like a godsend to me.

    they make a hollow core roller like that.

    wine bottle- baseball bat- or even the barbell are good options to if you are looking for alternatives.

    LOL I like the ducktape idea though- easy peasy lemon squeezy.