Proper treats for properly low calories?

kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
I'm trying to work out some properly low calorie recipe ideas. I can have lunch be mainly broccoli with some topping, but I have trouble extending a healthy attitude towards dinner. Having something that feels like a treat could help.

Here's an idea to start

Cheesey potatoes

Medium potato (usually around 180 g)
Cheese of choice, 24g

Boil the potatoes, slice them, lay them out and sprinkle with the cheese. Heat. Add salsa.

Not much of a recipe, I know, but the trick is in the cheese.

I get a beautiful block of mature cheddar, namely Mainland Vintage Cheddar, and grate it. Then it goes into the freezer in 24g portions, wrapped in clingfilm. A little in block form is a lot when grated, and the cheese defrosts into its normal, delicious self.

The whole thing comes to around 260 calories.

I would love to hear about healthy adaptations to best loved rich foods!


  • heel_striker
    heel_striker Posts: 32 Member
    You should have a look at this webiste. It is great!
    The whole thing is about making every day foods lower in calorie and healthier.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    You should have a look at this webiste. It is great!
    The whole thing is about making every day foods lower in calorie and healthier.

    Thank you, I'm doing so now!

    I'm trying to find those strange but true recipes that are weirdly low in calories but are very satisfying :)