Just a intro,, and to say Hey!

Hey there! As you probably guess I am new,, I am pretty overweight. I put a pic on but it isnt a good one, cause I dont let anyone take pics of me.
I am 37 and was sent to this site by a friend I went to school with and she has done amazing here!! Yay!!
I am going to give this a honest go. I am not a binge eatter, or a snacker,, my issue lies more with my addiction to Pepsi,, Yeah it is going to be a hard one to break,, but I can do it!
My biggest problem area is my belly. I had one child, got pregnant with twins,, and had to have a c-section,, and gained like 80 pounds with that pregnancy,, then I had my daughter and she was also a c-section,, ( 2 years and 3 days after the twins) and then last but not least I had a fibroid tumor and had to be cut again for the 3d time.. I have no feeling about 2" above the insision site, and 1" below.. but it hangs and swings and is so unbelievable nasty!
Yeah so dunno what else to say,, hope I can make some new friends here,, maybe some with the same issues I have,, and some with something new to me!!
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from all of you!! AlbertaGirl73!


  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Glad to see you here and we'll kick that pepsi addiction! If I can reduce my cheese and baking intake, you can kick pepsi to the curb! We still have to get together when I am home!
  • alejandraisela
    Hello albertagirl73,

    me too i am new at this website. :). Yes, if your friend from school can we can do it too :). We all need support. :). add me if you want.

    I also hope to make new friends.
  • alejandraisela
    I also have some kind of an addiction with "soda". I also have a problem I hardy eat :(. Hope with this website I can get all of the support I need so kick this bad habit. Also to drink more water.

    Hope i can hear from you soon.
  • CharmingPrincess93
    Hey AlbertaGirl...welcome! I'm so glad that you're here! I'm new here too...been doing the trackers for 5 days in a row. I can definitely identify with your issues...I did super huge weight gains in my pregnancies and now I have a seriously flabby stomach (and everywhere else) to prove it. I never really had issues with my weight before having my kids, but it just seem that I gained the weight and it just never went away after my babies were born.
    I'm trying to kick my soda habit as well...for me it's Coca Cola...I can't get enough of it! But I'm happy to report that I've stayed away from it for 5 days now. I've replaced it with an array of teas...green, earl grey, tazo awake, tazo chai...you get the idea. I need the caff push to get me through my work shift. (I work nights), but have found that green tea and the tazo awake black tea does the job nicely without the 140 calories per serving. I love my tazo and earl grey with cream and sugar so i've switched to Stevia sweetner (they say it's better for you and no calories) and a fat free 1/2 &1/2...this has also replace my extreme desire to get Starbucks all the time...
    Anyway, I'm glad you're here...I'm here to support and motivate you in any way I can.
    Tucson, AZ
  • brockly25
    brockly25 Posts: 150
    hi :)

    welcome to the site and hope you have fun and make alot of friends :) this site will help you on what you eat and drink :)
    if you drink 10 Coca Cola put it down ... you wil see in time what you do all day and i know you will slow down to a stop in time :)
    yeah you going to have one of those days when you need your 2 liter fix ... lol but all you have to do is put down what you eat and you will see whats wrong with that pic :) and love to be your friend :)
  • wannabehotmomma
    wannabehotmomma Posts: 190 Member
    Hi and welcome! If you just stop drinking the pepsi I think you will loose really fast! I love diet pepsi, but only limit one a day. Sounds like you have been through a lot with your pregnancies, this will be a piece of cake for you!! I gained a lot with all my pregnancies over the years. I lost 25 lbs about 5 years ago but I am still carrying 30lbs around and want to finally loose it before summer. You can do it! Cute picture with the horse!