How much do you spend on food per week?



  • I shop once every two weeks, spend about $120 U.S. Dollars, so $60 a week. I don't buy anything perishable for the most part, with the exception of whole wheat bread, whole wheat bagels, and some fat free cream cheese. Everything else is old-fashioned oats, whey protein, and fish oil/flaxseed.

    Lordofultima, You're not eating any veggies, you can't live off your current diet. It's a short term thing only. You're also not eating any real meals. Everything listed is protein powder, you need real food. You can't live off of fish oil tablets and protein powder. For the good of your health... Eat some veggies! Also I don't care what Tony Horton says 190+ grams of protein isn't healthy. Just ask Brock Lesnar he grew up hearing protein protein protein and that's what he ate without enough veggies and it nearly killed him.

    Same with you Jtuner, eat more veggies please and the amount of protein you're eating is crazy unless it's very short term.
  • About $50/week on food. Mostly fresh vegetables weekly. I spend about $30 on meat monthly since it's freezable.
  • Now that I've said my piece on that. I probably spend 25-35 per trip to the grocery store and probably hit the store about 3 times a week. I buy a lot of veggies: spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, baby carrots, mushrooms, whatever interests me that's on sale and then eggs, milk, bananas, frozen fruits, cereal, sliced turkey breast roast, and sprouted grain bread which costs 4.48 a loaf. I also buy a 1KG bag of almonds weekly which works out to $10 a bag. And once or twice a week I'll pick up a frozen pizza/couple of bags of chips, but at the moment I'm cutting that out for a few weeks. Just one thing... Frozen fruits when not on sale are a ridiculous price! 6.99 or 7.99 a bag!!!!! They're yummy and taste amazing in a smoothie though so they're worth it.
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