Hello Intro's

Hey People,

I have reading everyones posts for the last few weeks. Such a wealth of information.

Anyway bit about me.

I gained quite alot of weight in 2008 while living over in the uk. I didnt really realise this until I was coming home. I had to weigh my backpack to do this I needed to weigh myself. I was shocked I was 83kgs. I came home to our aussie summer and none of my clothes fit me. I asked my mum if I looked "fat". Being a mum she diplomatically told me I looked very unhealthy (skin dull, podgy).

I got a job at a pub and started drinking those weight loss shakes. Not too sure what weight I was at that point but it was certainly better. I recall being about 69kgs in September 2009. I stayed at this point up until Jan

Anyway in Jan 2010 I got a new job at a mine site which involved working up in the Kimberlies (North of Western Australia) 12 hour shifts for 28 days. My position was site administrator. There were only 2 women onsite that worked for my company. Isolated location.

My day would include getting up at the crack of dawn eating buffet breakfast, packing lunch, sitting on my bum for 12 hours, going to the onsite pub (drinking about 4+ beers/night) eating buffet dinner which would always be huge because I was a little pissed by this point. sleep....... do it all again and so on.

So not to bore you too much, gained a bit of weight again, didnt really do too much about it. Finally I went to the doc's to see if they could perscribe me anything. Bingo got duromine. I lost about 2kgs in a month which is pretty normal loss. I forgot to mention I was 79kgs, So I dropped to 77kgs.

I have started a new job and I living in a new town so I decided that I want to get rid of this weight and tone up for my holiday to Asia next Feb-Mar.

I stumbled across this website a few weeks ago and it has helped me to loose some more weight. I am counting cals and doing 2 boot camp sessions per week. I am doing this for 12 sessions (3 Sessions already down) after that I have booked in for 1-1 PT and a boxing class, after that I think I might try mixed martial arts. I have to keep mix exercising up otherwise I get bored and I don't commit and end up loosing money.

So Starting Weight (july) - 77kgs
Current Weight - 70.5ish
1st Goal (December) - 65kgs
2nd Goal (Feb) - 61kgs
3rd Goal (July) - 56kgs

So my Goals are - Eat well, Exercise, stay motivated (hard), enjoy life.

Anyway thats all. How do you put pictures up?

Wish me luck


  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Hi Jayjay.

    Sounds like you slipped into the usual minesite life :wink: I'm an enviro consultant for mining (based in Perth) so I know how easy it is to not exercise and eat way to much at dinner while on site.

    Good luck with your goals. I did some boxing a while ago with my PT and really enjoyed it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • brockly25
    brockly25 Posts: 150
    welcome to the site and have fun here and make friends :) its a nice place and the poeple are lovely here :)
    if you need a friend add me :)