Hard Boiled Eggs



  • jewol
    jewol Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with the poster who advised you to put the eggs in cold water when you begin to cook them, enabling them to heat up as the water heats. The problem with placing cold eggs in boiling water is that it tends to make the shells crack during the cooking, permitting egg to extrude through the shell during the process. No big deal, though, if that doesn't bother you. Another tip: If you buy fresh-from-the-farm eggs, allow them to age at least a week before boiling. Fresh eggs are 10 times more difficult to peel. The advice about cooling the cooked eggs with cold water is sound. I go a step further, dumping a tray of ice cubes in with the cold water. Two minutes and they're ready to peel.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    So without getting into too much exposition, my doctor has recommended that I start eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of bigger ones three times per day (this is actually not to do with weight loss, this is to due with unbelievably painful periods...but she said weight loss would be a happy side effect).

    Anyhow, she said that its very important to get in protein in all of the small snacks and no sugar at all (organic cheese sticks, nuts, chicken, etc.). One of the things she mentioned was hard-boiled eggs, which I love and would be super easy to incorporate into my work schedule (in moderation and rotation with other types of protein).

    Does anyone have any ideas of how to make hard boiled eggs or something similar without the shells? Would you bake them maybe?

    Or if you have other natural protein small snack ideas, share them here too!

    Eggs contain sugar, might want to reconsider if you're not allowed any sugar

    I'm thinking that eggs are safe because they are so high in protein. I don't see how one could really eliminate sugar as it is naturally occurring. Perhaps the doctor meant added sugar?
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Be a bit cautious that you don't destroy your cholesterol with this change.

    You'd have to eat a LOT of eggs before you'd do that much damage. It's dated from the 70's and not relevant any longer -

  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    as others have suggested use eggs that you bought about a week previous, boil them (I do add a bit of vinegar to the water), when they have boiled long enough drain the hot water, fill the pot with cold water, let them sit a while, drain the water from the pot put the lid on and give it a shake, this cracks the shells a bit and they peel right off very easily. I always just peel the whole lot and put them in a container in the fridge (I wouldn't do any more than six at a time if you are only eating one or two a day)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    don't know where you live but here in Va we have hard boiled eggs all ready in Food Lion Grocery Stores. 12 already peeled and perfect for about $3. I buy them every week.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • thomakg
    thomakg Posts: 69 Member
    Definitely understand what you are going through. I know that if I keep fiber up and limit the evil whites - white bread, rice and sugar - it keeps the bowels moving and alleviates some of the pain. Cooked eggs are great because they are a super punch of protein and vitamins, and don't slow things down...at least that's what I have found. BTW - I have a very cool toaster/egg cooker that boils my eggs to whatever doneness I prefer - no watching or cracking. It also poaches and toasts. Find something like it here

  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Scientific literature does not support that more frequent eating of smaller meals leads to weight loss, other things being equal (i.e. total calorie intake). So your doctor's advice in that context is already subject to question.

    Might also be worth a second opinion to confirm whether the smaller meals will truly address your painful periods...

    On the boiled egg question--am too lazy to boil myself, I just buy them pre-boiled and shelled.

    Good luck!

    True on a "calorie in - out" budget. But SOME people find it easier to manage their appetite this way.

    We are not automatons, living in a lab, devoid of distractions and such. Sure, if you're an elite athlete in an Olympic program or a monitored astronaut. Many of us have to deal with things such as "do I eat what my kid left in her plate? " :)

    Regarding eggs - Alton Brown from the Food Network posted a cool video around Easter RE:cooking eggs on the oven , hard-boiled style. It worked well for me! - do a search.
  • msniki412
    I normally boil a bunch of organic brown eggs every Sunday morning, probably about a dozen. I bring the water to a full boil, throw in some kosher salt and then simmer the eggs for about 8 minuets. Run cool water over the eggs once done and then I'll finish cooking everything else. Once cooled, I peel them. Normally I have no issues with pealing when I cook them like this. Also, I peel all my eggs at home so I can have a very quick snack when needed. No mess at work either.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member

    Eggs contain sugar, might want to reconsider if you're not allowed any sugar

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    When hard boiling eggs make sure you dont take them right out of the fridge and put them right into boiling water! They will crack in the water! Let them warm up to room temperature as much as possible! I learned this one the hard way!

    put cold eggs in when you put the water in and this isn't a problem- I'd boil the water right out of the pot before I remember to put my eggs in if I did it that way LOL
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Scientific literature does not support that more frequent eating of smaller meals leads to weight loss, other things being equal (i.e. total calorie intake). So your doctor's advice in that context is already subject to question.

    True on a "calorie in - out" budget. But SOME people find it easier to manage their appetite this way.

    We are not automatons, living in a lab, devoid of distractions and such.

    Where in my post did I imply that meal size/timing does not help with satiety? I agree that it can, but that is not what the OP's doctor said. OP's doctor said that the act of eating smaller, more-frequent meals will, in itself, lead to weight loss. Such a conclusion is a common misconception (even in the medical community) and I stand by my original post.