Motivational Quotes

louie377 Posts: 30 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Do whatever works, whatever is useful
Find out what works and keep doing more of it
Doing more of what doesn't work is also known as insanity
Do what you always did, get what you always got
There's no such thing as failure, only feedback (only results)
The person with the most choices and most flexibility has the most power
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity
Consistency is king; it's what you do every day, not every once in a while, that counts
By their fruits, you will know them
Habits are 10,000 times more powerful than willpower
Work hard, but balance work with rest and recovery
Accept everything as a challenge
Some people need a good phobia - develop a good strong phobia of mediocrity
Every behavior has a positive intention at some level
The meaning of your communication is the response that you get
The meaning of your actions is the results that you get
Results are what counts
Let your results dictate your approach
The map is not the territory
Better your best
Raise your standards
Banish the doubt
Success is goals, all else is commentary
Nothing happens until something moves
Don't complain, don't explain
Success silences most critics
Beware of absolutes; “always and never are dangerous words”
Use the word “impossible” with the greatest caution
The difficult can be done immediately, the impossible takes a little longer
You can't give away what you don't have
You cannot teach what you haven't already done yourself
TV is the best time wasting and income reducing device ever developed
Be open to everything and attached to nothing
Don't die with your music still in you
You can't solve a problem at the same level of thinking that created it.
Everything happens for a reason
Whoever comes along is the right people
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened
When one door closes another door opens
When it's over it's over
This too shall pass
It's not how hard you fall, it's how high you bounce
Its not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get back up
Every low precedes an all-new high
Advancement of all kind is preceded by a crisis.
The greater the crisis, the greater the advancement
Every adversity contains the seed of greater or equal benefit
“Per aspera ad astra” - Through hardship to the stars
You become what you think about
Thoughts are the cause, behaviors are the effect
You move towards what you focus on
Motion creates emotion
Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve
All growth takes place outside your comfort zone
The pain of every change is forgotten when the benefits of that change are realized
You can make excuses or you can get results, but you can't do both
You can't get something for nothing
Anything you get for free will be less satisfying than something that you earn
Good questions, part 1: “What's most important to me in life?”
Good questions, part 2: “What am I most grateful for in my life today”
Good questions, part 3: “What am I committed to in my life right now?”
Good questions, part 4: “What can I learn from this?”
The best way to get started is to get started
No one ever drowned in sweat
If you don't have control over it, then why worry about it
If you do have control over it, then why worry about it
Diseases you don't want to catch, part 1: something for nothing disease
Diseases you don't want to catch, part 2: quick fix disease
Stand on the shoulders of giants
Go back to the basics at least once a year
The first key to getting what you want is knowing what you want
Think positive, but move your *kitten*, too
Think positive, but think accurately too
Lead from the front
Walk your talk
Set the example
BE the change you want to see
Step up
do it now
There may be some limits, but we can act as if there weren't
Be a student not a follower
Integrity is important
Values are uncompromisable
Good answers part 1; “Consider it done”
Good answers part 2: The best way to answer, “How are you?” is, “I'm the best”
Good answers part 3: “Bring it on!”
Repetition is the mother of skill and learning
Never stop learning
You mind is like a parchute, it only works if it's open
Write it down
Find your why
The true purpose of a goal is not to get something, it is to become something
No one knows HOW to do something until after they've done it
Good affirmations part 1: “I am responsible”
Good affirmations part 2: “I am unstoppable.”
Birds of a feather flock together
You will become just like the people you spend the most time with


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