Need to loose 100 lbs..Holy Crap! Need support

My name is Eric and I am 47 years old...I just recently hit the 300 lb marker and now I know this weight thing is serious. I am married with 2 great kids, both teenagers...God Help me!!! I have been married for 23 years this July to my beautiful wife Julie, who just happens to be a ICU nurse. So, whenever a 40 year old comes in with a heart attack I hear all about it and that I need to do something. Recently we have been having marital problems and a lot of it is due to my addiction to food. I am hoping this time, with the help of a local gym, MFP, and my own perseverance I can overcome this addiction and beat this once and for all. 2 years ago I attended the Biggest Looser ranch in Malibu, Ca for 1 month and lost 30 lbs...what a great experience but it is so easy to loose weight inside a vacuum with no outside stresses to deal with. This time I need to do it for myself and my family. I am looking for a buddy that can help me stay on track. My wife is done with supporting me on this journey...she just needs to see results and I get that.


  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Hi Eric! I am sure you would like to have other men as friends but, I would love to follow you in your journey! My husband and I both work in hospitals, he works mostly in the ER. He always tells me how most of the patients that come in have issues which are weight related. It is a big motivator when you see patients not much older than you, who cannot get on and off the table. I have been here daily since August and would not miss a day. There is so much good advice on the forums...and bad! But, all in all it is a great learning experience! Good luck and I know you can do have many good reasons to succeed!
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Hi Eric,
    Welcome! This is a great place to get started on your journey. Use the calorie tracker and read all the stickies in the weight loss section. The most important thing is to understand this is a marathon, not a sprint, and if you follow the rules and be patient with your progress, you will get there.
    Best of luck to you!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Hi Eric,I understand your frustration! I applaud you for seeking help and finding a way to get fit. I want to recommend a program that I used- its 10 weeks long and comes with shake meal replacement.

    What I do is have accountability groups where I help people stay on track- workout 25 mins a day and follow an easy eating plan.
    iN 10 weeks my last challenger lost 34 lbs.

    If you would like to hear more I would love to share it with you!

    Here is my info -

    To your health !

    Ignore this post.

    Follow MFP's guide, get some exercise, eat food.

    Read this, lots of great info here!
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Oh, and one other thing. I just finished reading this book and it's a really good summary of food addiction (various degrees) and ways we (as a society and as individuals) can work to overcome it. You might want to take a look at it. (Not peddling, just really liked it). The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite by David Kessler.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Best of luck to you! Here is a great place to start and worth every minute reading:
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Eric,
    I hope you find this site as helpful as I have. Do you know what your plan is? I'm currently trying to eat 20% less than my TDEE and most days find it is quite doable. I log all my food and my diary is open. You can friend me if you wish.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    One more piece of advice. Don't look at the big number. Break it up into smaller goals. Good luck!
  • bombshellcertification
    you can do this, you are worth it and you are not alone! You've already showed courage & desire by posting :smile:
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Welcome!! Your at the right spot. Make small changes so you can slowly change your bad food habits. I broke a lot of my bad eating by exchanging say a 500 calorie snack for 250 calorie snack ECT. I hope once your wife see's your serious she will support and cheer you on. I can't imagine doing what I done without my husband being supportive and doing what it takes to help me. Send me a friend request if you want. I started out at 272lbs so I have come a long way.
  • mimismommy11
    mimismommy11 Posts: 80 Member
    I sent you a request. Sounds like your wife is giving you a little tough love. Hopefully she'll change her tune once she starts to see the weight drop off! Good luck!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Hey, I'm right there with you! Floating around the 300 marker and want to lose about 150.

    I know your wife loves you and worries about you, and seeing people come into the ICU with health problems who are around your age and size doesn't make it easier for her. It's great that you acknowledge her feelings and concern for you.

    My family badgered me for YEARS.....since I was about 10, and I'm now soon to be 48. It wasn't until April 2011, that I finally had reality smack me in the face. I went to a school event with my daughter, and could hardly walk to the door. I had to stop several times, and once inside the door, I had to stop and sit on the floor because there was nowhere else to sit right there...I was that out of shape. I had the nerve to tell the teachers that it was their fault for making me walk that far, as I was huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath. Sitting there, watching people maneuver to get past me, and my daughter standing there waiting for me to get up, that was when I decided that something had to change, and it was going to have to be me.

    Your journey needs to be for you. A lap band surgeon I know said this is the one time it's okay for you to be selfish and do something for you. Also realize that it's great to want to get into shape, but 90% of the equation is what you put in your mouth.

    I haven't had the band surgery, but am considering it. The main thing keeping me from it is that no matter what I do (whether I have surgery or not), I'm still going to have to change my eating habits. That's an absolute must.

    The motivation and dedication is something that you need to find within you. It's there. Tap it, and you'll be rockin it!!

    Would be glad to buddy-up and get this weight G-O-N-E!!!