Food weighing scale miracles.....



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Yup, I was underestimating my intake by 300- 600 calories depending on the day before I started using my scale. I don't have to use it for every little thing anymore as I have learned to be a much better judge over these last 18 months...but it was a great tool in helping me to see what these servings looked like.

    People assume small errors here and there won't make much difference...but those small errors in estimation add up and it really doesn't take a whole lot of error to wipe out a 500 calorie deficit...even smaller margin of error with smaller deficits. Calorie counting is about being as precise as possible which can sometimes be a PITA, but that's the way it is if you want it to work for you.

    I no longer use my scale for every little thing, but I still can't estimate 2 oz of dry spaghetti for **** and I still tend to underestimate a serving of almonds even though I eat them every single day.
  • trinity5703
    Yep, it makes a difference. A BIG difference.
    I have to travel on business a lot. My kitchen scale goes with me :)
    And yes, I have popped it in my purse and taken it to a resturant.
    I might get funny looks, but screw em :)
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    "Yep, it makes a difference. A BIG difference.
    I have to travel on business a lot. My kitchen scale goes with me :)
    And yes, I have popped it in my purse and taken it to a resturant.
    I might get funny looks, but screw em :)'

    I'll stop whining now. That is dedication!
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Thank you for this post! I need to be more accurate when using my scale. I feel like I'll use it for some things, but not everything. I had no idea coffee could have so many calories...I think part of my stall is not weighing absolutely everything I eat. Maybe I should invest in tupperware so I can pre-weigh and when I'm leaving my house I can grab a container depending on how many calories it has, instead of grabbing a bunch of food that I don't know the calories of and estimating later.

    I generally just weigh when I'm at home and cooking... so I'm probably off 25% of the time as well!
  • baderis07
    baderis07 Posts: 35
    My scale is on order. My husband thinks I am nuts but I've seen way too many of these posts to not believe how important weighing your food is.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    only useful scale there is lol
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    i bought an oober cheap one on amazon. worked ok at first then the weight kept fluctating wildly.

    drove me f-ing nuts. ended up putting my fist through it lol. went to walmart and spent like 10 bucks more, much happier.

    if its a Taylor your good tho
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I did lose weight (I'm quite athletic) but I'm going to try to attempt to jump on this too. I've been using "guesstimates" rather accurately (it worked) but I'd rather KNOW. The problem *whine* is that I make EVERYTHING from scratch with gluten free flour mixes of my own or pre-made gluten free flour mixes that I modify. Did I mention EVERYTHING? All breads, pizza, sauces....I have to figure out gluten free pasta next. Am I allowed to whine? I hate the pre- made gluten free stuff in packages. It's so disgusting I won't even eat it with the exception of one brand of cookies and donuts. :sad:

    I am the same way. I put my GF flour mixture into the recipe calculator and found an entry in the database that is really close in calories, so I just use that one when I use the flour mix. I wish MFP would come up with a way to put a recipe inside of another recipe, but until then, this works ok.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Which scale?
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I just bought mine yesterday along with some new measuring cups and spoons. Can't wait to start using them!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I can completely understand why some people honestly think food scales are overdoing it, but I have come across SO many discrepancies in my food that I can't, CAN'T go without one.

    The number I get logging my breakfast from the packages is 460, but its actually around 590(!) after I started WEIGHING my eggs, bacon, bacon grease (I cook the eggs in the grease), and toast. WOW.

    If I'm off by at least that much *every* meal, I've completely eliminated my 250 calorie deficit. D'oh!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Welcome to the fold. I learned this exact thing 7 or so months ago and have never looked back. It is amazing how "off" things can be, even if you think you can accurately measure "serving sizes" etc. Sorry .. this is the only good option in order to be accurate in your logging.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Food scales are an invaluable tool in calorie counting. I'm glad that you discovered their utility!
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    OK, I'm on board. I literally left this thread, went to amazon and ordered a portable digital food scale. Anyone know anything about AWS Black Blade Digital pocket scale up to 1000g by .1 g increments? I hope i chose well, but in any case it's got to be more accurate than the silly styrofoam cups i carry around. I'm excited to see the difference accuracy will make. Thanks to this thread for pushing me over. It's been a nagging "to do" on my list.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm another convert to using a scale after reading all the posts. First thing I noticed was the huge difference between my idea of a portion and an actual portion! Oops!

    I have a particular food that has 42grams as a serving size and if I live to be 100 I'll never be able to eyeball that amount. I bought those little snack sized baggies and pre-weigh a bunch and toss them in the cupboard. When I want to add it to my eating plan on any given day it's an easy grab. Couldn't have done that without my scale. :heart:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    I have one at home, and one at work, and I didn't pay more than $15 for either one. One from Wal Mart, one from CVS.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    OK, I'm on board. I literally left this thread, went to amazon and ordered a portable digital food scale. Anyone know anything about AWS Black Blade Digital pocket scale up to 1000g by .1 g increments? I hope i chose well, but in any case it's got to be more accurate than the silly styrofoam cups i carry around. I'm excited to see the difference accuracy will make. Thanks to this thread for pushing me over. It's been a nagging "to do" on my list.

    i don't know if your going to be happy with that one. thats really more for chemistry (or drugs lol). you don't need to get to .1g to be accurate, and it will only weight up to about one pound.

    that sounds adaqute for food, but if you want to put a bowl on it and weight in that (which is a good idea so you don't get the scale dirty) you can exceed a pound pretty quick. plus the closer you get to a scales maximum or minimum measurements, the less accurate it will be.

    my food scale wieghts up to 13 lbs. i do have an AWS that i use to weight my weed lol
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    plus i'm willing to bet that the weight surface is considerably smaller then most food scales, which could be a PIA
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    haha. I was thinking that the scale may be delivered to my house by a DEA agent or at least put on some sort of "watch list" I'll let you know how it goes. weight loss or side business? I'm gonna be able to measure most of my meals with a styrofoam plate or bowl - portability was my main concern but that may be trumped if it becomes a PIA. Thanks for the heads up.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    haha. I was thinking that the scale may be delivered to my house by a DEA agent or at least put on some sort of "watch list" I'll let you know how it goes.

    Just order a US Postal Service Mail scale! Then you'll be OK. LOL

    You may laugh, but sometimes I use the postal scale at the office to weigh stuff.......