How to start, really start?

Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
Any thoughts on how to start? How to not get so distracted by how long it's going to take to lose 45 lbs, and how last year it was only 35 lbs? How do I move forward and decide I'm sick of my fat pants being tight and my size 40 bra being too tight? How do I get past being the fat girl in the family and become the girl who dies something about it? How do I get past a hubby who's responses to my exercise plan are "well, you won't be able to that on these days?" When do I crash into the bottom, stand up and say I'm so sick of it and decide to make changes that last longer than a month? How do I decide to just get going, how do I decide which plan is "right". How do I give up putting faith and money into gadgets and DVDs that don't work if you don't do them. How do I get the girl in the mirror and those ugly family photos to match the image I have of myself in my head ? I'm just so overwhelmed, but doing nothing is getting more overwhelming by the minute!


  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Don't think about your long time goal, just try to focus on 1 thing this month. Something like taking a walk, or improving your breakfast. After that month, add something else.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member

    This is everything you need to know, starting out.

    Relax and enjoy the process. :)
  • mrsushu
    mrsushu Posts: 13 Member
    Baby steps.

    When I see people getting started, the one's who I notice who succeed at their goals are the one's who start now. They don't plan to start next week or next year, they start in the present. They are the one's who accept who they are now, but know where they want to be. Because ultimately, it all boils down to you, only you will know when to start and when you want change your life. To me it looks like you are ready to start this journey. It's all one step at a time, micro goals to big goals.

    IE: Removing soda from your diet, Replacing simple carbs with complex carbs, Waking up a 20 minutes early to walk in the morning, etc.

    From there eventually everything will come naturally and your micro goals will work towards larger goals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Your "journey" towards health, nutrition, and fitness is a lifetime is never why obsess with some arbitrary end point that doesn't exist. It is over when they put you in a box and that's it.

    Guess what...when you reach that goals weight, that's when the real work haven't arrived at the end of have simply arrived at the starting point of a much longer race. So focus on your nutrition and fitness and just trying to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday and sleep well in the knowledge that you will rock it tomorrow...everything else will fall into place in its time.

    Focus on the results and you will rarely see the change; focus on the change and you will always see the results.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    This is everything you need to know, starting out.

    Relax and enjoy the process. :)

    Read this thread.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I say make little changes and enjoy the progress. Start drinking your water. Maybe get out for a walk or two this week. Have a cookie, not 4. This is all making choices to improve your health. Try skipping heavy sauces or dips. Little by little can end up making a huge difference!

    Sending a friend request!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I set my ticker to small goals. 20 lbs (maybe 10) tostart and when I lose that. Add another 10 or 20 lbs.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    Whoa, whoa, whoa... just take it slow. This is a life change, not a diet. This website is geared to help you keep track of what you are eating and for me, it helps me stay accountable for my decisions. Just try logging in everything you eat, good or bad, first. This will give you some idea of where you need to make some changes. I wouldn't jump right in and change everything all at once. Try keeping your calories in check first. Then, focus on fat or carbs. Once you think you have this logging in daily thing down... start walking.

    Try to remember, you did not gain all this weight over night so you can't expect to lose it over night either. It's a process... but it WORKS!

    Good luck to you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    COMMIT. Commitment means finishing or attaining goal regardless of setbacks and obstacles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jaenders06
    jaenders06 Posts: 63 Member
    Any thoughts on how to start? How to not get so distracted by how long it's going to take to lose 45 lbs, and how last year it was only 35 lbs? How do I move forward and decide I'm sick of my fat pants being tight and my size 40 bra being too tight? How do I get past being the fat girl in the family and become the girl who dies something about it? How do I get past a hubby who's responses to my exercise plan are "well, you won't be able to that on these days?"

    You have to know why you're doing it. For example, I'm here because I want to do what I can to avoid the health problems that run in my family from being overweight. For me "to lose weight" wasn't good enough. Take it one day at a time and surround yourself with people who support you and cheer you on. I'm 58 days in and I'm down 10 lbs. already with another 34 to go. I don't think about the time at all.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    You either want it or you don't. The only secret to success is work. How bad do you want it? I don't find this journey fun, but I want results, so I put in the work.

    A few helpful resources:
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member

    This is everything you need to know, starting out.

    Relax and enjoy the process. :)

    Start here.

    Make your first goal, not to lose 45 lbs, but to log consistently for one week. You may go over your goal, you may be under, you may be spot on, but log accurately and consistently for a week. Then next week, make your goal to be at your calorie target. The next week, add a few days of exercise that you like and will continue with. The next week make your goal to keep doing all this again and again.

    Don't expect to see results the first week, maybe not even the second, but do this over and over, and after about 4-6 weeks, you'll see it.

    I also like the suggestion of setting your ticker to small goals. That's how I started. My first goal was to lose 10 lbs, when I got there, I went another 5 lbs, and again and again. It helps keep you motivated to see it achieved.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member

    I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks per day.

    I can tell you exactly what I'm going to eat and at what time.

    I have the meals "premade" (meaning if it veggies and a grain, I cooked them ahead of time...if it is a frozen meal, it is already defrosted and ready to go, if it is an apple, the apple is out and ready to grab) and pretracked I MFP.

    There are times when you're busy, we're you're not motivated, when the scale doesn't budge and you can blow a week of careful eating with one binge. If your meals are preplanned, when those moments of weakness arrive (and we all have them!), you'll your choices lain out for you.

    One other thing I do: Every Saturday night DH and I have a date night and we go out to dinner. Whenever I think: I've gotta have this, I plan on having that "gotta have this" on Saturday night. Sometimes we've had pancakes for dinner at IHop or a plate of pasta..but I always have it 1) out of the house 2) one meal only with DH.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I felt overwhelmed too when I got started. I decided to stick with it for just one month and then I could reevaluate. I also decided to only weigh once a week during that month. I figured I could do anything (meaning, log my food and exercise regularly) for 4 weeks. If I remember correctly I lost something like 9 pounds that first month and that was all the additional motivation I needed. Also, I didn't make any huge changes to what I was eating, just the amounts. It was all about getting an accurate log and forming that habit.
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Your health is A journey. We are only human. We like to treat ourselves. First off stop blaming yourself and being so hard on yourself. Its not your fault that your overweight. Its our society's, and the governments. What they put in our food. All the horrible chemicals that actually messes with our mind saying we want more. We want more of that refine sugar. Its an addiction,just like any other drug. You have to take Baby steps. You have to educate yourself. Really get to know what is in our food. You have to find a program that you love! That you get excited about! You need to clean out your kitchen and fill it with only healthy stuff! You have to know what you want to be healthy for you! That your not doing it for anyone else. We see in the mirror fat. We do not see our insides that our suffering from bad choices. You only get one life make it the best. You will feel happier, you will have more energy. I PROMISE! It will overall mold your life to do things you never thought you would ever get too. I am Jessica. I have been on my fitness journey for 7 years. I coach people to help them find peace, happiness, to love themselves. I help people with eating choices, and to help them find a great program or workout routine that they love. Message me, add me. If you want my help to get you started do not be afraid to ask. Good luck to you<3 To everyone!
  • amagus
    amagus Posts: 71 Member
    When I started, I set a goal weight used MFP to set the calorie limits based on 1 pound per week and had one rule only. Enter everything in the Diary;if you put it in your mouth record it (water too) and if you move, record it in the exercise. Then look to see where you hit your limits and goals.

    I found I automatically ate less and moved more, so developing a healthier eating plan with exercise was easier. When I first started exercising, I deliberately counted it if I parked far away and had to walk an extra 2 minutes. That made me want to park at the far end of the lot. I knew I would not be perfect, but if I put it in MFP, I could see right away when I went way off.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    One step at a time
    One day at a time
    One foot in front of the other
    One meal at a time
    Make the goals smaller, break it down so it is not so overwhelming.
    Tell yourself if you can do it just for today, every day!

    Edited to add - It took me over a year to get down 46 pounds. So it won't happen quickly, but I am soooooo glad I started when I did. I am now 46 pounds lighter - THIS YEAR. :flowerforyou:
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member

    Repeat that mantra every morning.

    Yes, it will take some time to lose 45 pounds, but April 29, 2015 is coming whether you make a change or not.

    I quietly began my time on MyFitnessPal. I didn't announce it to anyone; I didn't make a big deal of it to my husband. I didn't take before pictures. All I did was sign up, join a gym, and print the image above to tape onto my work computer.

    I started. That's all there is to beginning. And then I didn't stop, even when it was hard, even when it was a struggle, even when I felt hopeless. Somehow, almost like magic, my year passed and I was 120 pounds lighter in body weight and a whole lot lighter in spirit.

    PS: I'm sorry your husband is unsupportive :(
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Don't think about your long time goal, just try to focus on 1 thing this month. Something like taking a walk, or improving your breakfast. After that month, add something else.

    Um, seriously, I was typing this same thing when I looked down the comments and read this!, lol

    I break up my weight loss in small goals. For instance, I wanted to lose 10 lbs by May 17th, I actually completed this goal ahead of schedule! yay! 2nd goal is another 5 lbs by June 30th. And so forth.... nothing crazy, very attainable so I dont burn out. If I happen to lose more, well then, great!!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    There's such great advice here! Just want to say thank you to those who take the time to help, and that your remarks are tremendously encouraging. OP, I hope you find what you need here.