New Me ( Great Supporter)

Hey everyone

I am actually not new to the whole weight lost thing. However I know how everyone feels. This week I have got back on the road to being healthy, happy and fit. Its so hard because this is the heaviest I have every been. And the other hard part is my weight fluctuate.

Last year was the actually 1st year i paid some attention to my health and started trying to change. I have always been a big girl so it really didn't bother me until I felt heavy all over. It was hard for me to enjoy things that i use to do. I really started gaining weight when I started my now 3 year relationship with my fiance. Everyone told me it was happy weight. W.e the hell that is. Any who at the beginning of last year i started eating healthier and excising more. I had a big support from my fiance and one of co-workers who was also trying to lose weight...

Long story short: I end up getting sick at the end of June and having surgery. Didn't eat for about a 3 weeks <-- the medication threw my apatite out the window.Lost about 20lbs. Went from 240-220. Bad..But Once that came back it was over gain all 20lbs back plus 5.

So in Jan of this year I started seeing a weight lost doctor and a nutritionist. I was 248. I am now 238.
I have plan that I am going to stick with... Cant wait to see and feel the new me...



  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • mbinversie
    mbinversie Posts: 5 Member
    I have been up and down all my life, although not to such a big degree. I am so happy you are back to it. Every time I come back to being healthy I think "wow, why did I wait so long?" It is hard when you have been ill. I had to have surgery a few years ago, and it was easy to let my weight creep way up. Not to mention how easy it is to emotionally eat when you can't do what you want. Good Luck :) You are going to love the new you. Congradulations on a loving and supportive fiance and friend! :)