Any strange looks/comments about your healthy habits?



  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I think one time I asked my mum to weigh something and she didn't like it.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    No strange looks from my co-workers or anyone else for that matter. Guess I am lucky that way. They just say things like I wish I had your discipline to eat better.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    SHUTUP! For the love of everything that is good. I KNOW it won't kill me. However, i'm not going to spend 500 calories on a stupid giant cupcake at work with people I'm not even friends with just because it's there. My splurges are on my own time!

    Completely agree! I'd rather have ice cream out with my husband and kids after dinner than a piece of cheap grocery store bakery cake with my coworkers. It's none of their business how I "spend" my calories, and after a polite "Would you like a piece?" and a response of "No thanks" that's where it should drop!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    By far the weirdest looks and comments I've had are from cashiers in stores - particularly Walmart, or more traditional grocery stores. I do not shop there often, but it seems like every time I do the clerk says something about my purchases. It's either confusion "WHAT is this?" (gingerroot almost always gets that) or comments like "WOW you don't eat very much" or "Not a lot of real food here, you must be single" (I guess real food = meat?), "Obviously you DO NOT have kids" stuff like that. So rude and weird.

    But a LOT of people - friends, family, and even clerks in stores I regularly visit - ask me about how I've lost weight, and their eyes almost always glaze over quickly when I mention MFP and/or counting calories. It's like they just don't believe me.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    I remember one office job sitting opposite a young lady who was HUGE. She would eat a pasty, a sandwich and a king size bag of crisps at lunchtime, washed down with two bottle of full fat coke and then tell me I wasn't enjoying life or REALLY LIVING (?!?! WTF?!!!) because I eat salads, veggies and pitta breads and it can't be good for me to restrict myself the way I was and men don't like skinny girls.

    She got shut down when I said actually, I'm loving life. I can wear the clothes I want, run for miles, enjoy treats when I want them, oh and I was off on an adventure week to Spain - no uncomfortable flight seats, and I'm going horse-riding, canyoning, kayaking, rafting in a National Park - all the things I really want to do because I'm healthy from the inside and I can fit into the seats and not squash the horse.

    Apparently, that was me being spiteful and got me reported to HR.

    I'm not sure it warrants being reported to HR - but I do think you have taken wrong approach here.

    Your reply does just come across as defensive and spiteful IMO..

    far better to go with the flow, someone says something like that to you, just smile and say Oh well, that's me - or something equally inane, and neither agreeing or disagreeing with her food choices - which are really beside the point anyway.

    I think people lose interest fast in teasing if you don't rise to the bait - and they lose interest fast in your eating habits if you don't act all self righteous and over zealous about them.

    I wasn't being spiteful, I was defending myself and my choices.

    Telling me I was unloveable because I wasn't huge the way she was? Or that I couldn't possibly be happy? That doesn't warrant some sort of response? Bearing in mind she commented on EVERYTHING I ate. Everything. I wasn't rising to the bait, I was simply sick of her comments and defended myself. If she can comment on my body and my food choices, then damn straight I can comment on hers.

    I think one comment after 6 months of listening to her drivel was justified. It sure as hell shut her up in the way that my radio silence or smiling and nodding didn't. I'm not self-righteous or over-zealous. I unpack my lunch and I eat it. I don't make a big deal about carrots and bananas vs pastys and coke. I don't shout "OH I'M GOING TO THE GYM AGAIN HAR HAR LOOK HOW VIRTUOUS I AM". No. I wasn't the one making unwarranted, unwanted and uneducated comments.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    One of my coworkers is exceptionally rude and judgmental about my eating habits.

    When I turn down a treat a coworker brought in: "Britishbroccoli can't eat that because SHE is on a diet" "No, I can't eat that because it has marshmallow in it and I'm a vegetarian."

    When I have a Hershey kiss, "Oh, better weigh that chocolate!" (I've never weighed my food at the office)

    She's basically a bully. I mentioned once that I had a lot of orthodontics as a child and she's self conscious about her teeth. So she says things like, "Your teeth are lined up too much; they hit every time you chew and I hear it" "You always eat the crunchiest things" "Chomp chump chomp! thanks for bringing carrots today." She either skips lunch and gets a bag of chips from the deli, or else she goes to Wendy's. I do eat veggies at work, but I have asked around and she is the only person who has even noticed that I eat at my desk. Other coworkers eat apples, granola, chips, pretzels, carrots, etc at their desks. She gets off on putting other people down/trying to make other people self conscious.

    She once tried to make me feel self conscious for "chomping" on a strawberry. "I can hear your teeth hitting" "No, you can't. My teeth aren't even hitting. Sorry, not sorry."
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    Because I train to run endurance races like Half marathons and marathons I am constantly asked why I don't eat more. Apparently I should be able to eat whatever I like since I run so much. When I try and explain about proper eating to fuel my runs and calorie counting to ensure I don't have to carry extra weight over long mileage, I get a funny look and get asked"what's the point of all the running if you can't eat what you want". Yeah I have even tried explaining that I like what I am eating when asked something like that and I get a weird look like yuck. Funny thing is when I heat stuff up in the microwave people always comment how good it smells until they find out it is all healthy foods.

    I love that haha. People do NOT get why you workout if it's not to eat more. Like, nope, my life decisions are not all based on how much junk food I can consume.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    One of my coworkers is exceptionally rude and judgmental about my eating habits.

    When I turn down a treat a coworker brought in: "Britishbroccoli can't eat that because SHE is on a diet" "No, I can't eat that because it has marshmallow in it and I'm a vegetarian."

    When I have a Hershey kiss, "Oh, better weigh that chocolate!" (I've never weighed my food at the office)

    She's basically a bully. I mentioned once that I had a lot of orthodontics as a child and she's self conscious about her teeth. So she says things like, "Your teeth are lined up too much; they hit every time you chew and I hear it" "You always eat the crunchiest things" "Chomp chump chomp! thanks for bringing carrots today." She either skips lunch and gets a bag of chips from the deli, or else she goes to Wendy's. I do eat veggies at work, but I have asked around and she is the only person who has even noticed that I eat at my desk. Other coworkers eat apples, granola, chips, pretzels, carrots, etc at their desks. She gets off on putting other people down/trying to make other people self conscious.

    She once tried to make me feel self conscious for "chomping" on a strawberry. "I can hear your teeth hitting" "No, you can't. My teeth aren't even hitting. Sorry, not sorry."

    LOL - your coworker sounds like she needs to seek help about those teeth issues for sure! Whoa.

    When I was much heavier, I often worked with women who were a similar size to me. I ate too much too...but I often brought in healthier foods as part of my lunch, like cucumbers, carrots & hummus...or homemade sandwiches and pasta with fruit for dessert. Much of the time, these other women were eating candy and fast food every day and I know they thought stuff about me like, "Why does she even bother to eat healthy, she's fat anyway"...some of them even made comments like, "Wow if I ate like you I'd be thin!" It was obnoxious, but it didn't even bother me that badly because despite my obesity I was in RELATIVELY good health and most of them were on a lot of prescription medication for various ailments (weight, blood pressure, and/or diabetes related). I'm not saying I beat them out because of my slightly better diet but I certainly don't think it HURT matters at all :-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    One of my coworkers is exceptionally rude and judgmental about my eating habits.

    When I turn down a treat a coworker brought in: "Britishbroccoli can't eat that because SHE is on a diet" "No, I can't eat that because it has marshmallow in it and I'm a vegetarian."

    When I have a Hershey kiss, "Oh, better weigh that chocolate!" (I've never weighed my food at the office)

    She's basically a bully. I mentioned once that I had a lot of orthodontics as a child and she's self conscious about her teeth. So she says things like, "Your teeth are lined up too much; they hit every time you chew and I hear it" "You always eat the crunchiest things" "Chomp chump chomp! thanks for bringing carrots today." She either skips lunch and gets a bag of chips from the deli, or else she goes to Wendy's. I do eat veggies at work, but I have asked around and she is the only person who has even noticed that I eat at my desk. Other coworkers eat apples, granola, chips, pretzels, carrots, etc at their desks. She gets off on putting other people down/trying to make other people self conscious.

    She once tried to make me feel self conscious for "chomping" on a strawberry. "I can hear your teeth hitting" "No, you can't. My teeth aren't even hitting. Sorry, not sorry."

    I'd buy single pack earplugs- they are pretty cheap at hard ware stores- and every time she makes a comment - just throw them at her.

    I'd also ask her what any of her comments are trying to achieve. Just flat out.
    "what is the point of that comment- how is that helpful"
    get a little aggressive about it if you can. Shuts people down fairly quickly since there IS no point other to be mean/put people down.

    Also any of the following:
    " I'm glad to know that you're life is so empty and slow you seem to be filling it by being all up in my life...fortunately I'm busy and I don't waste a minute thinking about what you do"

    "I'm sorry- how is this any of your business"

    " Since you are so intent on critiquing the minutia of my life- I wanted to give you an update: I'm going poop at 3:13 PM today, I'll have a full written report of consistency, texture and quality when I'm done"

    "I'm sorry- at what point did I ask you about my food?"

    "I'm sorry- you're paid to do what here exactly other than critique my life?"

    "Did you want to help my pick out my clothes in the morning too? I mean since you're so concerned about my well being"

    "Did you want to come lift with me this afternoon??- since you know better than maybe you can teach me a think or too- I'm stalling a little on me 300 lb dead lift"

    "I'm sorry- how much can you deadlift/run/squat/compete"

    "i'm sorry you're life is so empty that you need to focus on mine"

    "Are you offering suggestions? Because I don't remember asking for opinions"

    "And some how in all of this you feel I need to defend my food choices to you becaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuse.... "
    and just trail off and stare at them- (like burning death glare stare)

    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    SO inappropriate- feel free to use any of those.

    I fortunately do not deal well with those things- so when someone tries to "call me out" on something- I politely say I'm not a health nut- I'm a fitness nut- I eat to fuel my workouts- and I can pull almost double my own body weight off the ground. Please come back to me when you are dead lifting triple digits over your body weight and then come back and lecture me.

    People REALLY like to say things when they know you are doing something- they become subject matter experts (I like throwing that in as well- "oh since you appear to be the office subject matter expert- can you please explain your process and how successful you have been with it"

    be awesome.
    rock whatever it is you are doing- and never let anyone push you around because of your food choices.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I love that haha. People do NOT get why you workout if it's not to eat more. Like, nope, my life decisions are not all based on how much junk food I can consume.

    mine are.

    more running = more oreos.

    I have absolutely ZERO Fkcs given- and no shame. I love beer- and ice ream and oreos.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    By far the weirdest looks and comments I've had are from cashiers in stores - particularly Walmart, or more traditional grocery stores. I do not shop there often, but it seems like every time I do the clerk says something about my purchases. It's either confusion "WHAT is this?" (gingerroot almost always gets that) or comments like "WOW you don't eat very much" or "Not a lot of real food here, you must be single" (I guess real food = meat?), "Obviously you DO NOT have kids" stuff like that. So rude and weird.

    Ha ha yes the nosiness in the supermarket queue! I once had two shoppers in the queue behind me look into my basket - which mainly contained veg and plain dairy but also had a jar of peanut butter - actually chuckle and PICK UP the peanut butter out of my basket :angry: and say laughing "ha ha, you'll never be slim eating that!". I turned round and saw that their basket was filled with Weight Watchers cakes and biscuits. Because of course that's the only way to eat and lose weight, grrrrr. And put my stuff down!!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I'd buy single pack earplugs- they are pretty cheap at hard ware stores- and every time she makes a comment - just throw them at her.

    There's a very good chance she won't be working here much longer (I'm not the only person she's rude to), so I'm going to wait her out. She's temp-to-hire. If they do hire her, I've already decided that I'm going to be direct and just say, "If my crunching is actually bothering you, ask me to eat somewhere else, but do not try to make me feel bad about what I'm eating."
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    By far the weirdest looks and comments I've had are from cashiers in stores - particularly Walmart, or more traditional grocery stores. I do not shop there often, but it seems like every time I do the clerk says something about my purchases. It's either confusion "WHAT is this?" (gingerroot almost always gets that) or comments like "WOW you don't eat very much" or "Not a lot of real food here, you must be single" (I guess real food = meat?), "Obviously you DO NOT have kids" stuff like that. So rude and weird.

    Ha ha yes the nosiness in the supermarket queue! I once had two shoppers in the queue behind me look into my basket - which mainly contained veg and plain dairy but also had a jar of peanut butter - actually chuckle and PICK UP the peanut butter out of my basket :angry: and say laughing "ha ha, you'll never be slim eating that!". I turned round and saw that their basket was filled with Weight Watchers cakes and biscuits. Because of course that's the only way to eat and lose weight, grrrrr.

    Are you KIDDING me??? they picked up food out of your basket????

    and why did you not punch them in the face???
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    By far the weirdest looks and comments I've had are from cashiers in stores - particularly Walmart, or more traditional grocery stores. I do not shop there often, but it seems like every time I do the clerk says something about my purchases. It's either confusion "WHAT is this?" (gingerroot almost always gets that) or comments like "WOW you don't eat very much" or "Not a lot of real food here, you must be single" (I guess real food = meat?), "Obviously you DO NOT have kids" stuff like that. So rude and weird.

    Ha ha yes the nosiness in the supermarket queue! I once had two shoppers in the queue behind me look into my basket - which mainly contained veg and plain dairy but also had a jar of peanut butter - actually chuckle and PICK UP the peanut butter out of my basket :angry: and say laughing "ha ha, you'll never be slim eating that!". I turned round and saw that their basket was filled with Weight Watchers cakes and biscuits. Because of course that's the only way to eat and lose weight, grrrrr. And put my stuff down!!

    I would have said, flat voiced and blank-faced, "It is rude to touch other peoples' things." Who raised these people to think that's okay? I have had people point to things in my cart/basket and ask if they're any good, but how dare they touch your stuff. Ew.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    By far the weirdest looks and comments I've had are from cashiers in stores - particularly Walmart, or more traditional grocery stores. I do not shop there often, but it seems like every time I do the clerk says something about my purchases. It's either confusion "WHAT is this?" (gingerroot almost always gets that) or comments like "WOW you don't eat very much" or "Not a lot of real food here, you must be single" (I guess real food = meat?), "Obviously you DO NOT have kids" stuff like that. So rude and weird.

    Ha ha yes the nosiness in the supermarket queue! I once had two shoppers in the queue behind me look into my basket - which mainly contained veg and plain dairy but also had a jar of peanut butter - actually chuckle and PICK UP the peanut butter out of my basket :angry: and say laughing "ha ha, you'll never be slim eating that!". I turned round and saw that their basket was filled with Weight Watchers cakes and biscuits. Because of course that's the only way to eat and lose weight, grrrrr.

    Are you KIDDING me??? they picked up food out of your basket????

    and why did you not punch them in the face???

    Yes they did! I was so shocked that I just sort of gazed open mouthed at them for a second then glared at them but said nothing. They were quite elderly so maybe they'd crossed over into 'eccentric old person who doesn't care' territory.

    That's actually not the only time someone has picked food up out of my basket. It happened again a few months later when someone picked up a pack of prawns out of my basket in the checkout queue - that day I did ask what the hell are you doing, and he said unapologetically that he was interested in whether the supermarket's prawns were ethically sourced. So I told him if he was that interested he should walk over to the fridges and check for himself. To be fair he did apologise then and his poor wife looked mortified. I must have a sign above my head saying 'help yourself to my shopping, all opinions welcome'!

    (ETA sorrry OP for going a bit off topic with 2nd example)
  • DemetraDawn
    DemetraDawn Posts: 60 Member
    I had a co-worker who would eat three lean cuisines for lunch (like, she'd literally just slop them all into a bowl and microwave it all mixed together, it was really kind of gross), and she would comment that I had better start eating better lest I end up like her. (This woman was large to the point that she couldn't wear pants)

    And I'd look at my lunch of some sort of protein and lots of veggies (I am a broccoli fiend) and be like...yeah I get that it *looks* like more food than you're eating, even if you have three lean cuisines in a bowl, but um, a cheese stick, a boiled egg and a bunch of raw veggies is really not something to be concerned about...

    She'd also comment that I was probably spending too much money on food, and I was concerned about how much three of those per day cost compared to my produce, which isn't cheap either but still.

    This was my old workplace, thank god. There was also a woman there who would commend my self control in eating healthy and exercising, when she was trying to gain thirty pounds so she would be fat enough for gastric bypass.

    Unfortunately, since I moved and started a new job, I fell off the wagon a bit. Since I've gotten back on it though, I've started to hear little snide remarks like "Oh wow, someone is being a good girl today" or "Edamame is not a breakfast food. That's gross."
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Why is it any of her business how you eat. She doesn't pay your bills, she doesn't pay your doctor, she also doesn't really care if you gain weight and then have to work extremely hard later on to lose all the weight.

    Do what YOU need to do.

    Everyone else can screw themselves. :flowerforyou:
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Haha yeah, the weighing thing totally throws my dad as well. He's like "Why do you need to weigh pasta? pasta is healthy for you isn't it?" or he thinks my dinners are small, says theres not much food there or comments that I've finished dinner before everybody.
    I've been eating just under 1600, and now 1740, so even if my one meal a day that he actually notices me eat is 'small' by his standards (my parents have 650g bowls of pasta with beef bolognese sauce and cheese for example) I'm by no means starving hungry. lol
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    I love that haha. People do NOT get why you workout if it's not to eat more. Like, nope, my life decisions are not all based on how much junk food I can consume.

    mine are.

    more running = more oreos.

    I have absolutely ZERO Fkcs given- and no shame. I love beer- and ice ream and oreos.

    Oh trust me I can eat more because I run and cheating never really bothers me I just don't do it at work and since I am so concerned about what I am eating most of the time then obviously there is no point to my running if I cannot consume huge amounts of junk. Trust me I run to eat sometimes :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I love that haha. People do NOT get why you workout if it's not to eat more. Like, nope, my life decisions are not all based on how much junk food I can consume.

    mine are.

    more running = more oreos.

    I have absolutely ZERO Fkcs given- and no shame. I love beer- and ice ream and oreos.

    Oh trust me I can eat more because I run and cheating never really bothers me I just don't do it at work and since I am so concerned about what I am eating most of the time then obviously there is no point to my running if I cannot consume huge amounts of junk. Trust me I run to eat sometimes :)

    not cheating.. I don't do "cheats. - think we are on a different page as oreos and ice cream are a daily part of my diet. :)

    I'm a lifter- so if/when I'm running- it really is so I can eat more I have a very very massive inner fat kid.
    Yes they did! I was so shocked that I just sort of gazed open mouthed at them for a second then glared at them but said nothing. They were quite elderly so maybe they'd crossed over into 'eccentric old person who doesn't care' territory.

    That's actually not the only time someone has picked food up out of my basket. It happened again a few months later when someone picked up a pack of prawns out of my basket in the checkout queue - that day I did ask what the hell are you doing, and he said unapologetically that he was interested in whether the supermarket's prawns were ethically sourced. So I told him if he was that interested he should walk over to the fridges and check for himself. To be fair he did apologise then and his poor wife looked mortified. I must have a sign above my head saying 'help yourself to my shopping, all opinions welcome'!

    (ETA sorrry OP for going a bit off topic with 2nd example)

    jesus- you are just significantly nicer than me.

    WTF comes out of my mouth so frequently and easily that is most certainly what I would have said. God- that's rude- I'm sitting here like OFFENDED for you!!! LOL