Help me not binge. Right now!



  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    You can ditch the Eff-it attitude!
    It's possible! I've seen it!!!

    I was just like that all my life but then I took the time to feel my feelings. Ask the tough questions. Answer myself why I do what I do.
    It was so hard at first. Everything you hold back all your life comes gushing out.
    But then...
    You see things clearly.
    You can handle stuff.
    You can catch a deviation from your routine faster.

    See it this way- if you never cleaned your house and it looked like a bad episode of hoarders, you'd look at the mess and be so overwhelmed that you gave up. If you practice cleaning a bit every day you don't get into that situation. Your brain is like that too. If you don't clean it out from bad feelings on a regular basis it all accumulates and rots and stinks and the only choice left is self destruction.

    Starting to listen to your emotions is hard, but just like the cleaning metaphor, it gets easier because there's a lot less junk.

    So don't give up, don't throw the towel after one binge. Learn from it- analyze it, learn to identify triggers, make good strategies for all occasions. It's very liberating to take control, and it's totally possible.

    I wish you all the best!