Major help needed for total beginners!!

Im fat and weak. My figure is not horrible but i guess im granted as skinny fat. Im very sedentary so like 45s run would catch me out of breath. But i want to become fitter and lose the fat. I dont have any specific place to lose concentrately just everywhere thigh, calves, arms abs. I like the model of really fit female with muscles but bc of my job i cannot, i have to sustain a really dainty, 'feminine' figure.
So should i lose weight to lose fat, thats what i read somewhere, and then strength training for muscle build?
Or would exercise help?
I like to be stronger anw so ANY tips of how to start running is amazing.
Ty sorry for my influency


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    well it's good thing you don't have a specific place to lose the fact because you can't spot reduce fat.

    It kind of leaves in roughly the same order in reverse that it came on- so if you got fat in your butt first then moved upwards- you would see top loss- then moving toward bottom loss.

    So just accept that LOL

    But no- do not try to lose weight first then strength train- the time to start strength training was yesterday.

    Check out actual established programs
    Starting strength
    strong lifts
    new rules of lifting
    strong curves

    as for how to start running- you can do it a couple ways-

    walk- get comfortable walking for a distance

    add in some interval jogging (so walk 4 minutes- jog 1 minute) focus on pacing yourself and just breaking gate- not going FAST.

    or just go outside- and start jogging at a slow- maintainable pace- you can do that as an interval as well- there is a good article on "so you want to start running" someone wrote up on MFP. The best way to get better at running- is to just log miles on the pavement.

    But definitely do a mix of strength and cardio... for your health and to minimize muscle loss.

    Weight loss itself comes directly as a result of a calorie deficit- the idea of strength training while at a deficit is to maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss- so you dont' look squishy when you reach your target goal weight.