Trying to work(out) through depression

I've recently gone through some stressful life experiences (my house had a minor "blowing up" issue, and then my little sister died--unrelated) and they've triggered a major depressive episode like I haven't seen...ever. Through the stress of dealing with finding a new place to live and trying to put my life together, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I screamed and jumped and ran away.

I've undone all of my previous progress and gained 15-20 pounds back. It made me feel even worse about myself and my life, and I got into this terrible slump.

I told myself that I'd give myself until April to mope, and then I was going to start trying to take care of myself again. I went back to my psychiatrist, who prescribed me Zoloft (Which I've been on for about three weeks, now. Should be about another three before it starts working.) and I've been seeing my counselor again. I've been trying really hard to make healthy decisions about food and activity. I try to walk to the grocery store to get fresh meat (usually chicken or salmon) and whatever vegetable looks best, a couple of times a week. Additionally, I've been using my dog as motivation to get out and walk at least a mile every day.

I don't do everything right every day, and some days I don't do anything right. But I'm working on it, and I'm trying to let that encourage me enough to start getting some momentum and feeling good.

However, it's getting to be summer, and the days are in the 90s and above, and I'm -really- trying to work on getting up in the morning for a workout.

But that's the absolute hardest thing in my life right now. Getting out of bed. I'm regularly sleeping until the last possible minute (Sometimes I just roll over and decide that I don't care enough to show up at work on time. What can they do, yell at me? Write me up? I don't really care about the good things in my life, why would I care about that?) and I'm REALLY trying to stop that.

I'm going to bed early, I'm trying to use sleep-cycle planning, and some nights I even fall asleep easily--But I always wake up exhausted and unmotivated. But I'm warm and comfy and I have an adorable giant puppy next to me being snuggly. And getting out of bed is the hardest thing in the world. It's hard at six thirty--Which is ideally the time I should get up to get ready for work. When I try to get up at five (which is workout + shower + getting ready for work) I don't even hesitate before I turn off the alarm. (Even though I have to do math to turn it off.)

I live alone, and 5 is earlier than any of my friends or family wake up. I have the desire, but lack the determination currently.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?


  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    I just went to send some love.... sometimes life is difficult but things will get better. You're being so strong, I k ow it sounds stupid but keep trying... It is the first step and it will get easier.. If you ever need to talk, I'm here! Internet hugs!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I haven't gond through what you have but i do suffer from depression and anxiety disorder. I have my whole life. I see a psychiatrist once a month. I have noticed I have not had an episode since I started running. running has brought my quality of life up so high. I am never depressed. anxious yes to go run but that is a good anxious.
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    I just went to send some love.... sometimes life is difficult but things will get better. You're being so strong, I k ow it sounds stupid but keep trying... It is the first step and it will get easier.. If you ever need to talk, I'm here! Internet hugs!

    Thanks so much! I'm really trying! <3
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    I haven't gond through what you have but i do suffer from depression and anxiety disorder. I have my whole life. I see a psychiatrist once a month. I have noticed I have not had an episode since I started running. running has brought my quality of life up so high. I am never depressed. anxious yes to go run but that is a good anxious.

    Well, that's why I'm trying so hard to take care of myself. Proper diet and excercise can help -so- much, plus I deserve to be healthy. Getting there is just so freaking hard.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Thinking of you.

    This is a great place for support and motivation. Its helped me immensely.
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    Thinking of you.

    This is a great place for support and motivation. Its helped me immensely.

    Thanks so much! I'm hoping that it helps me, too. Every little bit helps!
  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I have chronic depression that hits me in waves, had it my entire life. I think of it like living with diabetes. There are medications I can take and things I can do to ease the symptoms. First, everything in Teeny tiny baby steps. Seriously. If you can't get out of bed early to work out, start by getting out of bed for 10 minutes, physically out of bed. Then gifting yourself the option of going back into it if you still feel the need to after a trip to the bathroom and a glass of water or coffee. Start by focusing on what you can do to feel better and stabilize. Start to build up from there. Have you tried a grief support group? The acting of getting out and being forced to interact with people (see below) helps my episodes to not last as long. it took a long time for me to start learning of my symptoms and a lot of trial and error before I found what worked for me (along with medication).

    For me, a strict routine of bedtimes, nap times, eating times, bath times, and a steady dose of walking outside in public, no matter how awful I felt (helps to have a very cute dog that makes people interact with you) helps me to get through the worst of my low times. As soon as I recognize my symptoms, my routine becomes instituted again as I begin to prepare for the onslaught of no energy and despair. Something about the routine of it, I guess, for me, makes it not last as long and helps me to muster up enough energy to slog through the day. I also allow myself comfort when I need it. During the worst of my lows, I try and stay away from sugar because it amplifies things, but I love dairy and salty food. I allow myself to have it, but the rule is I have to record it. It forces me to take an active part in eating it and being mindful. All of it forces me to stay aware and present in myself as much as I can stand it. But again, this took a lot of time and practice for me to do. Baby steps. Try little things each day to find what works for you and know that it may take a long time, but no one gets out of quicksand by running. Self care and being kind to yourself is key.
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you so much, SeattleJill, for your suggestions! The idea of just trying to get out of bed for a few minutes is one I think I'll try tomorrow!

    A strict routine is a little more difficult because of work, but I can probably start small with, say, 6 PM until bedtime at ten, and see if I can incorporate a routine into work without being disruptive to the process.

    I haven't gone to a grief support group--But I do force myself to go spend time with a group of my friends at least once a week. And I usually wind up doing some interacting when I go out with my dogm, because he's also adorable. And even if people don't comment on how adorable he is, they'll comment on how huge he is. (~90lbs currently.)

    I'm trying to eat mostly fresh, real food--Nothing processed or packaged (except my organic oatmeal) and sometimes bottled tea. I've been snacking on olives, apples, almonds, and seaweed to stay on the healthy path without feeling like I'm denying myself too much.

    Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you for your suggestions, comments, and support! It's great to know that I'm not alone in all this.
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Hey there!

    First off, good for you getting treatment and giving a healthy lifestyle a chance at the same time. It's not easy, at all, to really live a healthy lifestyle while also trying to manage symptoms of mental illnesses.

    Last year, getting out of bed was simply NOT going to happen for me...and getting up to go workout was a laughable thought. I spent probably >70% of my day in bed at the peak of my depression, and I remember that even activities I enjoyed doing weren't enough to get me to crawl away from the comforts of my blankets.

    Here is what I did: I set reminders on my phone, computer, and alarm to go off at a pre-scheduled time three days a week devoted to being active. Some people don't respond well to this, but it worked for me. At first, I wasn't really sure of myself and was in terrible shape so I didn't do much...but hey, I went to the gym and moved around! As weeks went by, it got easier and easier to get out of bed and sometimes it was even fun to get to the gym. Now, nearly a year after making the change...running is one of the best ways for me to get some energy and I look forward to it.

    That being said, I still have days (ok, weeks) where my symptoms get me down and working out just doesn't happen. The most important thing then is that I forgive myself and try again the next day.

    What I'd suggest is just this; try.

    Simply that. Just; try.

    Try getting out of bed. Try putting on workout clothes. Try getting in the car to get to the gym. Try getting on a treadmill. Try walking for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, etc. JUST TRY. If it doesn't happen, it's will get there. But if you /don't try/...nothing will change.

    Best of luck my friend!
  • darlenegilzean54
    Just wanted to let you know, you are not alone. I also suffer from depression. I have had a few anxiety attacks in the past few months as well. After a bitter divorce and court battles and my ex ending up in jail for some horrific crimes he committed before I met him I just didnt care about anything anymore, especially the way I looked. I gained a lot of weight and became kind of a recluse. I do homecare for my eldery Mom and I have an 11 year old son. Amidst all my divorce issues my Mom was diagnosed with colon cancer and had to have an ostomy bag applied. She is soon to be 80 and I have to help her with all of her everyday chores. It is a really tough job sometimes and I don't have much time for me, but I started my journey about 4 weeks ago and I am not looking back. I have started exercising daily and am much more careful of what I eat. My advice to you is worry about you. It is okay to doat on yourself for awhile. When you dont feel like working out, that is the best time to do it. You will feel so accomplished afterwards and know that you have more strength than you thought you did. Somedays I dont even want to get off the couch, but I push myself and do feel much better for it. I think of it as it is only 30-45 mins a day, that is nothing. I have a whole 23 left to do whatever. My heart feels for you and I am praying and hoping you will get through this rough time in your life, and it is just a will get better, I promise!!!!
  • HaraldurB
    HaraldurB Posts: 76 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. My advice might sound stupid but what about keeping the alarm clock somewhere away from the bed so you'll have to get out of bed to turn it off? That way the hardest part (getting out of the bed) is already done. And then you just have to resist the temptation of going back in.
  • rachellemac14
    I went through something similar when my father died last year. Just do the best you can and allow yourself this time. It took me a solid 8 months before I had any desire to even bother trying. In the beginning I wrote up a routine and stuck with it because that was the me I hated it. I did it though and I found that after about 6 weeks of faking it the results were enough to actually want to make me go and get out. They say fake it till you make it...sounds like great advice to me.
    I also found the exercise was doing wonders for my mood and state of mind.
    I wish you all the best.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I also suffer from depression.

    I also have a really hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I HATE it. I've been trying to start working out in the morning since January of this year. Finally, I can do it! I'm switching jobs soon, so I'm going to have to get up even earlier so I'm really easing into it. Try to get out of bed 5-10 minutes earlier for a few days to a week, then 10-15 minutes earlier minutes earlier for a few days to a week, then 15-20, and so on. Another trick that has helped me before, going to bed in my workout clothes. Now getting up is easier. I look forward to it. It may also help to go to bed earlier. At least until this becomes a habit.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I do not suffer from chronic depression, but everyone has their days.
    I'm going through a rough time right now (for many reasons) and I find that getting exercise is a natural mood elevator for me. Especially if you can find a form of exercise you look forward to (hiking, swimming, dance, whatever it may be) that becomes your "you time"...
    I lost my mother a couple Christmases ago (on Christmas Eve)...being home was rough because it was winter and I couldn't get exercise...and the way human beings seem to console each other is with food...people were constantly bringing food over and it was hard to turn it down...many bottles of wine shared. But like you I told myself I could have X number of months to mourn...and to not focus so much on weight, exercise, calories, etc...then I went back to it. I honestly felt better when I was taking good care of myself than when I allowed myself to give in to eat and do what I wanted.

    If you ever want someone to talk to, you know this is a very supportive network of people on MFP...(despite some of the forum posts you may see). I'm certainly here if you need an encouraging word or someone to talk to. *virtual hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss and for all of the $hitty times you're going through...You're in my thoughts.
  • WeightLossWarrior6
    WeightLossWarrior6 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm sorry that you're going through such a difficult time. I cannot say that I can relate to losing someone so close to me but I deal with a lot of depression and anxiety. Lately, I have been under a lot of stress and it all came at about the same time I began my healthy living journey. I decided to start writing down how I feel before I workout then when I am done, I write down how I'm feeling afterwards. Let me tell you there has not been one time that I haven't felt better after working out! I have taken my daily workouts and turned them into my therapy sessions. I put in my headphones and focus completely on my body and how much happier and alive I will feel when my workout is done. My advice is to do the same, look forward to that high afterwards. Work out in a way that you're focused on your breathing and your workout alone and block every other thought from entering your mind! In my experience, exercise has become the one thing I look forward to each day. I hope this can help you! Let me know if you need to talk. I know it's difficult opening up to complete strangers but this is a great place for all kinds of support! We are here for you.

    Again, I'm really sorry to hear about everything you've been going through. There is always hope and positivity in everything, no matter how much pain you're experiencing. :flowerforyou:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I've never been diagnosed with depression, so if this doesn't apply, then disregard. But I did have a rough time this winter where I was really struggling, fatigue and depression which I thought was hormonal related. Turns out, I was vitamin deficient, vitamin D and B complex has helped me immensely. Once I started the vitamins I felt like a completely different person, I didn't realize how bad I really felt until I was feeling good again.
  • Catfriend25
    I am SOOOOO sorry to hear about what You are going through. It's so sad, I'm very sorry for Your loss. I feel for You, it must be a difficult time. Please be gentle with Yourself. It's commendable that You have the will power and strength to want to exercise. Take it one day at a time.
  • 24lol25
    24lol25 Posts: 49
    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with such difficult things in your life. It's great so far that you've tried to chose healthier foods at the supermarket. Don't feel discouraged; you'll need to take this one step at a time. I've delt with mental illness as well (manic depressive) and know what it feels like to feel like there's no point in getting up, and moving on with life at all. And not being able to believe in yourself, not believing that any motivation will ever come, or that it's even possible for anything to turn out right anymore. Since there's no easy way to just randomly overcome depression on your own, you'll have to be very sure to take your medicine regularly. When it kicks in you will feel a lot better. Even though things may seem bleak now, remember every morning that you have the ability within you to make a brighter, happier future for yourself. :)
  • jscanlon922
    jscanlon922 Posts: 8 Member
    Running has kept my depression at bay as well. I feel like a totally different person from 10 months ago when I was just on antidepressants.
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    I am honestly so sorry for your loss and all your struggles. I have terrible anxiety and it has recently triggered depression with all the changes and issues I've dealt with over the last couple of years (and some for my whole life). I wouldn't wish these metal illnesses on anyone.

    I would like you to know that although we are strangers I will always be here for you if you need to talk or vent about anything. I may not always know what to say but I am ALWAYS here to listen.

    I'm very proud of you for even making an effort to WANT to be better and for taking the steps towards that direction. Doing that is overcoming something huge in it's own way so bravo to you.

    Sometimes you feel like giving up but you know what? That's when you need to stick around! Good things always happen after the bad things have passed. It may take a while, but I promise you it will be worth it. In 2009 my grandmother died, in 2012 I seemed to lose all my closest friends, earlier this year I failed my college courses and the guy who seemed to be the love of my life left me for another girl.... my heart just kept seeming to break more and more to the point where I didn't want to live anymore...but you know what? I decided that enough was enough. Going to sleep crying and waking up doing the same wasn't me, driving to school wishing a car would hit me and feeling like my life was completely irrelevant was NOT good enough for me. I decided I needed to make an effort to be happy. I used to have people tell me that they are jealous of me because no matter what I go through, I always have a smile on my face... that was in 2011. I'm not 100% there yet and I don't know if I will ever be able to get to that point again, but you know what? It's the middle of this college quarter and I have straight A's, the rest of my family is alive and well and things may be difficult but I've got them... and my grandma is watching me, I learned that the 'friends' who left me really weren't my friends and I'm better off with a couple loyal ones rather than 50 that made me question myself on a daily bases. I'm working out and slowly changing my eating habits. I've seen a difference in my will power AND my confidence has gotten better and I find that life is so much easier when you don't care what others think.

    My point is, acknowledge the bad things in your life and learn from them but look forward to the good. Think about everything nice that has happened to you. Try! Wake up, smile, stretch, listen to some happy songs from the 80's on the radio, dance around like no one is watching, take a walk, smell some flowers, tell a stranger you like their hair, help someone cross the street, drink tea before bed and think about one happy thing every night so that way you go to bed with a smile and wake up the same. Karma, whether you believe in it or not, will reward you. :)

    You seem wonderfully kind and caring and I hate to see someone like that being hurt.