Anyone in the 50's going for the 60's

Hello, I am dealing with new challenges that my age is giving my body and my work is doing to my body. Some things just don't work like they used to. Anyone know what this is like? Give me a shout I would very much like to share my world with you.


  • cinger0439
    cinger0439 Posts: 6 Member

    I'm 55 and I'll be 56 in June. I write training materials for a living and so I sit at a desk all day. I've noticed that if I don't get up and move every couple of hours, my knees start to hurt. I have a lot of weight to lose but once I start walking every day, the pain goes away. It's clear to me that I have to keep moving and getting up every couple of hours if I want to remain pain free.

  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 (56 next week), log in every day with an open diary. I know where you are coming from body wise as mine occasionally shows signs of wear and tear. Please feel free to add me as a friend for mutual support/motivation :smile:
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    62 here....not sure how THAT happened!! Feel free to add me if you like....I love sharing ideas and recipes, etc......
  • jweisshoff
    jweisshoff Posts: 74 Member
    Age 55 here. It sure isn't an easy road to take off weight at this age. Feel free to add for encouragement and support! :smile:
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I will be 55 next month. I use to be 160 pounds, but I was able to get down to 140 and maintain it by eating healthy. I was happy at that weight for awhile but I would now like to get down to 123. I feel better when I eat healthy (which doesn't explain why I still eat crappy a lot of the time ). My biggest thing is the exercise. I have never been a very active person so, its hard. I dont have the energy to really push myself. I dont know if that is a age thing or just a non active thing. But that being said, I have seen my older sister who was also 160 pounds go down to 123 pounds and she looks great. I was worried that because of my age I would always have saggy skin, but my sister is toning up, so that gives me hope. I do think its harder as we age because of menopause, but it can be done and I plan on doing it. My body may feel a little old but my mind feels young and sexy (just need my body to follow suit) :smile:
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I am 53 and dealing with chronic pain and health issues. Feel free to add me. I log in daily and am feeling better than I have in years.
  • moparjer
    moparjer Posts: 125 Member
    I'll be 58 in July. Happy to find others out there who are done with Menopause! Just got off hormone replacements (per Dr.) and hoping that won't make my weight change in the wrong direction! Feel free to "friend" me if you'd like!
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    Nice to hear from some fellow 50ers! Just turned 51 and had lost 50 pounds a few years ago, but am VERY MUCH struggling to go down again, because it's coming back on. Want to stop this gaining NOW! It's tough! Feel free to add me.
  • Loumarberts
    Loumarberts Posts: 22 Member
    Cindy, thanks for the reply. I do have a gym to go to and some good exercises that keep me flexible to some point. I have cleaned up my diet sort of paleo if you will. However there are some things that I will eat that are not on the diet list. I have a hard time with drinking water, it is not very clear, even though I live in a smaller city, the water is still foggy with additives and minerals. I do enjoy some soda water with a dash of juice from lemon.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Hi there, I'm 59 and heading to 60 the end of July. I recognize that I have to work harder and eat less to maintain my weight as I get older. I enjoy exercise (never thought that would happen) so maintenance so far is going well. If you do the tdee calculation you'll notice that as we age our calorie needs are much less :-( unfair but it is and as long as we're breathing we can get it done! Happy to support anyone who is looking for it.

    Take care and good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 and while I exercise and am fairly fit for my age, I also have issues with joint pain and concerns about what life will be like when I'm older and not as able to exercise as much as I do now. Like Marciebran, I find it challenging to maintain on the lower calorie requirements and over-50 needs, and I'm both over 50 and small!
  • jan5500
    jan5500 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi. I'll be 60 this month. Yikes! Was having lots of health issues until I started taking the weight off. My challenge now is to concentrate on new habits and keep it off. Feel free to add me. I log every day and keep an open diary.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Just turned 52 myself last week. I agree, where did the time go? Seems like everything is catching up with us now, doesn't it? Friend me as well, if you like. Sometimes our situations are very different from the 20- and 30- somethings!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    50 yr old here and as active as I can be with Fibromyalgia and arthritis - due to car accidents and overuse/injuries in sport & fitness as a younger person. Obviously headed for 60, lol. I am in maintenance after gaining then losing just over 30 lbs in the past 4 years. Feel free to add me if you wish, but send me a message as to why/what we have in common or I may not accept. Males or females - doesn't matter. I don't friend randomly (that's what makes us different from the 20 yr old 'friend collectors'). Not in menopause yet, :grumble: but wishing I was since the age of 11. I HAVE to eat gluten free but I won't whine about your diet if you don't whine about mine - just mutual support.

    Ticker shows my maintenance latitude pounds... what I allow before I have to buckle down & get serious again.
    Edit to add: re: ticker
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 239 Member
    I am 55, will be 56 in July. I am also eating less and trying to get in exercise most days. I wear a Fitbit Flex and I really try to get in 10,000 steps a day.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Oh yes!!!

    I am 51 years old and going through menopause (hot flashes and vertigo). I've been overweight my whole life. Even when I thought I was a decent size (about 180ish) when I was about 20 yrs old, I was still considered "big."

    I've been on too many diets, trying whatever I could to lose weight only to gain it back over and over again. My latest attempt was 3 years ago on WW where I lost 46 lbs, and again, I gained it back. Now, here I am giving it another try but find that this has been THE MOST DIFFICULT time for me.

    I started MFP in September, 2013, stopped for a while and started up again in December. Now, several months later, I've only lost 9 lbs., I lost 1.2 lbs this morning, but it was the weight I gained last week. That's what I've been going through and I am fed up. It feels as if my metabolism has just stopped.

    The only thing that is partially saving me are my workouts. I do cardio and strength and walk as much as I can, wearing a FitBit ZIP to keep track of it all. There are certain exercises I cannot do because of arthritis in my knees and ankles and my back hurts at times, too. Floor exercises are my enemy. It takes too long to get on the floor and even longer to get up, so I do what I can.

    Even though I haven't lost much, I am starting to see and feel a difference in my body with the way my clothes fit and feel that my stomach is going down, so for that I am happy. Even though I'm starting to lose inches, I would like the weight to follow. I just wish I could find a way to jump-start this stalled metabolism.
  • theocine
    theocine Posts: 36 Member
    Just turned 59 a couple months ago. Have more than my share of medical problems. But luckily all are manageable -- especially if I eat right and lose wight.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Like fellow poster LeeShults, I am wondering how I got to be my age! (56) It has been work accepting the changes. I used to walk to work each day, then developed tendonosis in both my Achilles (ouch). Better now but, instead I get exercise on an elliptical, hoping to avoid a relapse. Adjustments will be made, as required :-)
  • SexiLexi1989
    SexiLexi1989 Posts: 31 Member
    I am in my 40's but have illness's that have aged my body and put restrictions on it.
    So I can DEF. relate to your post.

    I use to could just exercise by walking and lose MAJOR weight without changing my eating patterns.. NOW...whatever! I have to strictly follow my allotted calorie intake AND exercise. and the weight comes off SO much more slowly.

    Everything about life takes me longer. Longer to wash dishes, longer to get around the track, longer to shower...I THINK I am going at the same pace as I always did but obviously I am not cause what use to take me 20 minutes to accomplish takes me 40 now.

    I am grateful I am able to do most of what I want too though..:)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lou - you might want to consider getting a Brita pitcher or something like that so you can filter your tap water. They even have ones now for on the go.
    I am 58 and started getting fit 3.5 years ago. I have hated running all my life, even as a kid and now I love it and just ran my fourth half marathon yesterday. I also do strength training and can honestly say I am stronger and in better shape than I have ever been - just wish it hadn't taken me so long! I have lost about a third of myself and gone from an XL/XXL to a S/XS and I am off all medications (BP, Cholesterol, etc.). All that said I still have joint issues but they are MUCH better. I have arthritis in my knees but it no longer bothers me at all. I did tear my meniscus in one knee playing with my puppy. No surgery and I am able to still run but I take really good care to stretch and I ice my knee after every run. I also do focused exercises (per my ortho guy) to strengthen my hips which in turn help to stabilize the knees. I think the most important thing is to keep moving because if you don't you eventually won't be able to and the more you move the more calories you burn. I also think it is really important to eat well, as much fresh foods as possible and reduce processed foods/junk. I still have ice cream once in a while or a cookie and I did not give up wine... honestly I just cut back by portion control and measuring and as I got healthier I moved more and more away from eating junk food; it just didn't taste good to me any more. The only thing I gave up completely was diet sodas. My diary is open if anyone wants to take a look.