Why can't I regain my balance?

Posting this out of sheer frustration....

My life has been turned completely upside down in the last several weeks and here is a synopsis:

1) My Dad had a massive stroke and anorism 9/21 and went home to the Lord on 9/23. He lived with me and my kids so our world has completely altered and we are trying to find our "new normals".
2) Same day on 9/23 my boyfriend came home from Military training. He had been gone for almost 5 months. He was suppose to stay with me for about a week before getting his own place but the plans on that fell completely through and now he is staying with me for the duration. I fully expect he will convince me to marry him (we were engaged at one time) and things are going very well but I was unprepared for this change
3) Goal was to lose 20 lbs while BF was gone and was successful and have surprisingly continued to lose weight over the past few weeks though I don't understand why
4) BF became very ill right after returning home and found out last sunday he has full blown pneumonia and now I also have a really bad cold/cough and was just diagnosed with Bronchitis
5) Haven't exercised consistently since his return
6) Haven't eaten normal since all of the above has occurred

Now I feel like my life has spun out of control. I can't find my balance of eating healthy again after doing so well. I have lost 26.5 lbs since June so obviously I was doing something right. I can't get back into exercising because my whole schedule has been thrown out of whack plus being sick now. I was exercising 4 - 5 days a week before the above and feeling great. Now I feel just 'stuck". I went grocery shopping yesterday and stocked the house with good healthy foods and none of it sounds even appealing. All I want to do is sleep. I think about at least taking a nice long walk and start coughing til I can't breath (meds seriously better start working).

I feel like I am on a downward spiral that sooner or later is going to start showing on the scale. I have still been seeing losses but I honestly think it is due to stress (gee can't imagine why after reading the above).

I need to find my balance again!!!!!


  • SBMillard
    Sorry for your challenges - but there is light at the end of the tunnel. First thing is your health both physcial and mental. You can't do anything until you are well. First get healthy again and get back on your fitness train. In the meantime listen to Christian music or upbeat music; eat right while you are getting better and don't fall into the i'm sick and can eat anything i want mode. That only makes it harder when you are ready to jump back into the healthy lifestyle again. Don't push yourself too soon otherwise it will only set you back farther.

    Good luck to you! God Bless!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Life has thrown you quite a few curve balls. Feeling sick is not a great time to exercise. Hot tea, maybe a good book. Get your mind out of the state it is in. It sounds like you are depressed. Think of how much you have accomplished. Look at your life and think I am so greatful for ___________________________. Fill in the blank. Hope everything gets better for you.:smile:

  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I am lifting you up in prayers, as you really have been given a lot to deal with in a short period of time. IT is commendable that you are concerned about exercising, but I would recommend baby steps. As I deal with depression myself, I feel that you are also and would recommend that you visit your physician to talk about about all of this and hopefully you can find relief to help you get back to "normal". I always love Nike's saying "just do it" and given that you have purchased the healthy food, try preparing something simple and just eating a few bites. You have to keep your body fueled and nourished and always hydrate yourself with lots of water. Hugs are sent your way!!
  • dokcha
    dokcha Posts: 5
    1. Don't Panic =) (always good advice from Douglas Adams)

    2. Try to keep eating healthy, even if it doesn't sound appealing. I know that's really hard when you're not feeling well, but your body will thank you later.

    3. Don't stress over the not exercising right now. You're tired because you are sick and your body is telling you that it NEEDS the rest to recuperate and heal itself. Give it that rest right now as much as you can, and once your bronchitis has cleared up, get back into your exercise routine. Even if you gain a couple pounds while recuperating (which might not even happen, just saying "worst case"), it's not the end of the world. As long as you get back into your healthy routine after your bronchitis has cleared up, you'll be fine. =)

    The powers of the Universe like to throw us these curve balls every once in a while, just to keep our lives from getting too dull. It sounds like one's been thrown your way, but don't worry about it. Keep your eye on the big picture, your compass pointing in the right direction, and just weather out the storm as best you can - it WILL get better.

    As a side note, I think once you and your BF are back up on healthy feet you'll be fine. With him coming from the military, he's going to have discipline and an exercise-conscious mind, so I would think that getting him on board with your fitness plan will be quite easy, and you should have a wonderful source of loving support. =)
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    The suggestions from the above posts are great advice. First of all, grief is real - grieving takes time - there is no easy road to getting through it and it is often worse when the deceased passes suddenly. An entire family effected by the grief and loss and you are the "head" of that family places even greater pressure on you to "hold it together" for the benefit of the family - makes it harder to work through the grief. Adding to another huge change in your family composition with you boyfriend returning, his illness, and his experiences - all complicating the grieving process even further. TAKE YOUR TIME. The goal of 20 lbs before the BF returned was a great goal - life has handed you some changes and so your goal will need to be modified to accommodate the changes. This is YOUR JOURNEY to a healthier and happier life - YOU ARE IN CONTROL of what happens to YOUR body - if you think of it as a journey that has had to take a few detours - it makes it easier to navigate through the challenges and opportunities. Be kind and patient with yourself and your body. Balance isn't something that can be gained/regained overnight - not given your experiences - so give it time.


  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Kudos to you for losing 27 pounds... that's awesome. Changes in our lives, whether good or bad, are bound to affect our routines. In my opinion, a person is more successful when they have a routine down. I know variety is important too, but time management keeps us on track. Instead of looking at it as your life turned upside down, look at it as a chance for a fresh start. I lost my dad a few years ago, and I try to live my life so he would be proud of me. It helps. I know it's difficult when you have a family, but sometimes making yourself a priority, is in their best interest too, and I think for you, this is one of those times.

    Being sick can throw a speedbump into you goals, but listen to your body. If you need to stay indoors or get more sleep to recover then that's gotta be on the top of your list. The sooner you are healthy the sooner you can be back on track. When I have a cold, I can still do the stationary bike at home. To keep from getting bored, I watch TV while riding.

    It sounds to me like you are making all the right choices, when you shop for healthy foods, instead of comfort foods. Good luck and hang in there.
  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    Awwwww, hope you soon feel better, sounds like you've had a really rough time of it for the past month or so.

    Just a thought, when I'm feeling unwell, my body doesn't like to exercise, and when I get my appetite back I crave lots of things that aren't great nutrionally. I think possibly it's because sometimes your body needs some of these 'naughty' things to recover.

    Try to concentrate on getting better and try not too worry too much about your healthy regime until you're back to 100% again - you may just get better if you have a rest and give in to what your body wants (and probably needs) until you're fighting fit.

    Hugs x