Hello from Atlanta!

Hi everyone! My name is Kim. I'm 28 years old and weigh 259lbs. At the beginning of me wanting to get healthy a year ago I started at 278. It took longer than I wanted it to probably because I wasn't really fully invested. But now I am..I'm tired of feeling this way, I'm tired of looking in the mirror and feeling disgusted with myself. I've cleaned out my fridge from all the unhealthy crap I was putting into my body and replaced them with fruits and veggies and lean meats. It's amazing how much clean eating will make you feel better.

So, my goal weight for NOW is 200. There's a lot of things I don't know yet and hopefully some of you can point me in the right direction to find the answers. I'm so happy this community is here..i'm gonna need A LOT of motivating.

Please feel free to add me, the more motivation the better!



  • nickgolevski
    You can do it. Don't stop and push as hard as you can. Never think of yourself as disgusting. Eliminate that negative thinking and always be happy and think positive. it's a long process to a better you. Baby steps. You are doing it the right way. Never do that quick fix diets. Unhealthy and not worth it. With clean eating you are improving from the inside out. That's what i did and i feel great. Wholesome, unrefined, unprocessed foods is the way to go. You can do it.