Jillian Michaels under fire

FIRST LET ME SAY - I have never done a Jillian Michels workout and have only seen a handful of episodes of The Biggest Loser. Although I have heard great things about her DVD's and was hoping to work up to it. I am posting this aritcle that I ran across on Yahoo since so many of my MFP friends seem to enjoy her Shred DVDs. I really have no opinion on the article but am just passing on some information that may be helpful to some, as so many of you have passed on helpful info to me.

Health Experts Call Foul on Jillian Michaels' Regimen
By Erin Carlson | Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 12:40 PM

Jillian Michaels built her fitness empire on the success of her tough-love persona on NBC's "The Biggest Loser" and "Losing It with Jillian," where the personal trainer teaches desperately overweight contestants how to lose weight The Right Way: Eat less, move more.

As her many happy reality-TV contestants can attest, her method certainly seems to work. But still some are skeptical as to whether Jillian's way is truly the best way.

A damning new op-ed in the Los Angeles Times calls into question Michaels's qualifications as a trainer, painting the reality-TV star as a hypocrite who misleads fans to make a buck. In the article, writer James S. Fell -- a certified health expert based in Canada -- zeroes in on her new workout DVD, "Shred-It With Weights," her guide for novices on how to burn fat using cannon-sized weights called kettlebells. He writes:

"I don't know much about proper kettlebell techniques. Neither does Jillian Michaels. I have an internationally respected fitness certification and 17 years' experience with free weights, yet I lack the audacity to pretend I am qualified to teach kettlebells. Jillian Michaels, on the other hand, is lacking in shame. At least that's what I thought until I realized Michaels is not actually a real fitness trainer -- she's an actress playing the role of fitness trainer on TV and in a line of popular DVDs."

[Related: See more of trainer Jillian Michaels]

Among Fell's allegations: Michaels's technique is shoddy and her routines unsafe, leading her target audience -- obese men and women looking to shed pounds without crash diets -- to work out The Wrong Way. While a blurb on the kettlebell DVD claims users can "lose up to 5 pounds in a week," Fell breaks it down, calories and all, leading him to conclude that an inexperienced user would need to do four hours of kettlebells per day to fulfill Michaels's weight-loss promise.

So, who is the writer behind this anti-Jillian screed? He's a certified strength and conditioning expert who wrote a book with his family-practitioner wife, Dr. Heidi Fell, called Body for Wife: The Family Guy's Guide to Getting in Shape. His regimen relies on the fitness basics of cardio, weightlifting and a healthy diet.

On top of that, he cites several personal trainers who slam her kettlebell teachings, calling foul on her form. One of those trainers, Mark Cheng, is a specialist at Kettlebells Los Angeles, and he had this to say:

"Her technique is appalling," Cheng told Fell. "What she says in the video and what she demonstrates are two different things. She doesn't break things down into manageable pieces that prompt people to get the correct form, so instead she is enabling bad form ... I would not recommend this from a safety perspective."

Other trainers have taken to the internet to vent their frustration with what they say are Jillian's mistakes in kettlebell training.

David Whitley, a kettlebell aficionado and self-described fat-loss coach, applauds Jillian's efforts at introducing the world to his chosen fitness method, but says she has "no idea how to use kettlebells." He wrote on his Iron Tamer website: "Celebrity/TV trainers of the world: I know you are trying... You just need to get some instruction on how to do it. I just want to you to demonstrate correct form."

Brad Nelson, a Russian Kettlebell instructor with a lengthy fitness resume, had even harsher words, saying on his Bradrants blog: "Jillian, you should be ashamed of demonstrating something you obviously have yet to learn how to use yourself."

When contacted by Yahoo!, Michaels's representative Ashley Sandberg declined comment on the Los Angeles Times story, but said she would make Michaels available for questions on the "Shred-It" DVD.

[Jillian Explains Why She Won't Ever Get Pregnant]

In recent months, Michaels has been sued four times over her dietary supplements. The latest lawsuit came in August, when an anonymous plaintiff filed a $10 million suit alleging that the fitness guru's product "Triple Process Total Body Detox & Cleanse" contained dangerous ingredients.

Last February, two women separately sued Michaels for false advertising on a diet pill she endorses, "Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control."

Michaels responded by calling the suits "baseless" and standing by the supplement and its maker, ThinCare International, which is based in Utah. She told the Associated Press: "My reputation and credibility are of the utmost importance to me."

Janet Helm, a writer, registered dietitian who has appeared on the Today show, Good Morning America, and CNN as a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, also called into question Michaels' fitness credentials when the trainer started hawking her Quickstart Rapid Weight Loss System. Quickstart, she pointed out, relies heavily on caffeine and Yerba Mate, an herbal supplement some claim can aid weight loss.

"A review of existing studies on weight loss supplements in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that Yerba Mate (along with several other dietary supplements) is not effective for reducing body weight," Helm wrote in an essay on her site, NutritionUnplugged.com.

Jillian's supporters say it's not her workout and diet prescriptions that are the most important pieces of her fitness equation -- it's her psychological approach.

AZn essay on Yahoo TV's sister site, Shine, points out: "When things get tough once Jillian shows up, these people have a million excuses: I'm alone, I'm tired, I don't have any help, it's the way I've always done it. But, of course, Jillian blows those excuses to smithereens. Life isn't happening at you, she says; you are happening to life


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    There will always be haters!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I read both the article on Yahoo and the LA Times article and the author seems to be criticizing her kettleball technique and nothing else. Granted he did talk to kettleball experts that agrees but he also spends the first two pages on the article ripping on her and making fun of her. I might have taken him a little more seriously if he hadn't done that.

    And if you look at Richard Simmons he has not credentials but he started a revolution!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    all i know is that her workout DVDs are working for me.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    well DUH shes an actress , but does that mean she has no right to motivate us to work out? SOMEBODY is telling her how to do the things she does IF she is not a real fitness instructor, which means that regardless we are being instructed by a fitness instructor! The kettle bell thing, well her bad I guess but one eff up doesnt constitute all that trash talking. As for her supplements, I'd never use anything endorsed by celebrities anyway thats just asking to be ripped off LOL why else would they need celebrities to back them? B/c they have nothing else to offer. I stick to vitamins.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    WOW. She is in the spot light and she will have haters just like anyone else. It is up to us as consumers to do our own research and not make harsh judgements just because others do. I have not done the newest DVD SHred it with kettlebells but I have done the rest and love them and found nothing wrong with how she did them and the forms with them. They are a great tool. There needs to be more DVDS like this out there not these nambie pambie ones that dont really challange people. Yes it is a balance of nutritious foods, exercising and a balance of mind and body. Make your own decisions do follow the haters just to follow them. On the supplements well I have tried ALOT OF THEN OVER THE YEARS INCLUDING HERS and they react differnt with different people. It may work or it may not. I know I have tried many of them out there. Here it is there is no magic pill just hard worjk and dedication
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Jillian Michaels Never thought LA times would resort to liable & defamation to sell papers. Guess I'm canceling my subscription. I hold 2 current certifications. NESTA & AFFA. I've also developed a continuing education program for trainers with AFFA. I've been a trainer for 19 years. I OWNED a sports medicine facility & worked as a trainer & PT aid for the physiatrists, PT's, & chiro's I employed. AND i'm a black belt.

    Her words from her Facebook page
  • lilbear911
    Jillian Michaels Never thought LA times would resort to liable & defamation to sell papers. Guess I'm canceling my subscription. I hold 2 current certifications. NESTA & AFFA. I've also developed a continuing education program for trainers with AFFA. I've been a trainer for 19 years. I OWNED a sports medicine facility & worked as a trainer & PT aid for the physiatrists, PT's, & chiro's I employed. AND i'm a black belt.

    Her words from her Facebook page

    I'd say that makes her pretty credible. A lot more experience than most people have!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Jillian Michael's scares the hell out of me...i wouldn't be working my *kitten* off, i'd be crying my eyes out
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    There are always people who are jealous of success. This guy is probably just using Jillian to try and make a name for himself so people will buy his book (mentioned in the article he just wrote a new fitness book).

    I'll say one thing. You can look at Jillian Michael's and clearly see that she is very fit. While genetics might play some role in that, you don't get that fit without either knowing what you're doing or listening to someone who knows what they're doing.

    From looking at James Fells' Twitter page, it seems apparent to me that he holds some sort of personal grudge against Jillian. I don't really know why nor do I care. I think he's just doing this to draw attention to himself (and it seems to be working).
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I really think this is a bunch of bull. People will always pick on the one that is at the top of their game. So what if she doesn't know anything about kettlebells? She doesn't have to be ALL KNOWING! I support her, and to be fair, my sister has lost 25 lbs doing her workouts and NEVER ONCE got hurt from improper form.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    There are always people who are jealous of success. This guy is probably just using Jillian to try and make a name for himself so people will buy his book (mentioned in the article he just wrote a new fitness book).

    I'll say one thing. You can look at Jillian Michael's and clearly see that she is very fit. While genetics might play some role in that, you don't get that fit without either knowing what you're doing or listening to someone who knows what they're doing.

    From looking at James Fells' Twitter page, it seems apparent to me that he holds some sort of personal grudge against Jillian. I don't really know why nor do I care. I think he's just doing this to draw attention to himself (and it seems to be working).
    Maybe they were a fling and she broke his heart. HAHA
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I really think this is a bunch of bull. People will always pick on the one that is at the top of their game. So what if she doesn't know anything about kettlebells? She doesn't have to be ALL KNOWING! I support her, and to be fair, my sister has lost 25 lbs doing her workouts and NEVER ONCE got hurt from improper form.

    Well, to be fair, if it's a dangerous practice for others to try to mimic, then that's why it should be less about celebrity and really about form. If someone throws out their back practicing incorrect form, that can be a very expensive repair, if even possible.

    And good for your sister :)
  • healthydoseofglitter
    I read both the article on Yahoo and the LA Times article and the author seems to be criticizing her kettleball technique and nothing else. Granted he did talk to kettleball experts that agrees but he also spends the first two pages on the article ripping on her and making fun of her. I might have taken him a little more seriously if he hadn't done that.

    And if you look at Richard Simmons he has not credentials but he started a revolution!

    Well said!

    I love me some Richard Simmons ... when I don't feel like moving or workout I pop one of his tapes in and dance my hiney off.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Jillian Michael's scares the hell out of me...i wouldn't be working my *kitten* off, i'd be crying my eyes out

    she freaks me out, too. but i really am not a fan of celebrity in any form.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    I like her & I like the show, some people like me :wink: need someone to get in their face & say "Listen, put the energy you put into excuses into exercise & you will accomplish a lot more!" I'm required to work with a personal trainer once a week because of back issues, she looks a lot like Jillian & can give me the no nonsense straight scoop when I'm a slacker. She's never had anything bad to say about her. Nobody just magically looks the way they do either. I don't know anything about the dvd's, but watching them do 'kettlebells on Biggest Loser & know my back couldn't handle it. I don't do supplements because I'm on too many other medications & they scare me. I tried Alli, but there too I used it to compensate for still making bad food choices. I take vitamins. As someone who has been yo-yo a my entire life I need people who "walk the walk" in my life. I've only been on ths site a few days, but it is already the way I feel about the people here. My favorite quote from my trainer is "Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels." I'll get off my soapbox now :happy:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I like her & I like the show, some people like me :wink: need someone to get in their face & say "Listen, put the energy you put into excuses into exercise & you will accomplish a lot more!" I'm required to work with a personal trainer once a week because of back issues, she looks a lot like Jillian & can give me the no nonsense straight scoop when I'm a slacker. She's never had anything bad to say about her. Nobody just magically looks the way they do either. I don't know anything about the dvd's, but watching them do 'kettlebells on Biggest Loser & know my back couldn't handle it. I don't do supplements because I'm on too many other medications & they scare me. I tried Alli, but there too I used it to compensate for still making bad food choices. I take vitamins. As someone who has been yo-yo a my entire life I need people who "walk the walk" in my life. I've only been on ths site a few days, but it is already the way I feel about the people here. My favorite quote from my trainer is "Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels." I'll get off my soapbox now :happy:

    I wish this site had a like button for forum! Cuz I *like like like* this.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Jillian Michael's scares the hell out of me...i wouldn't be working my *kitten* off, i'd be crying my eyes out

    she freaks me out, too. but i really am not a fan of celebrity in any form.

    I can't say I really "like" Jillian Michaels... I have never watched her shows except maybe a few minutes (we don't have cable) and I'm not much for following celebrities. I recently started doing her video 30 day shred and I feel like she really pushes me and wears me out. I've only done it 5 times and I truly feel like my body has changed in that short amount of time. When I'm done I feel like I got a much better work out then I would pushing myself at the gym. In comparison to other work out videos I've tried-- hers is much more of a challenge. She does seem scary but it really helps! She talks about form a lot and I feel like I am doing the work out correctly... As for the kettleball video- I'm glad I know that it's not the best choice..
  • jimmydeanbakker
    The author of this article explains that he knows nothing of this kettlebell technique, but he has the credentials to rip into Jillian Michaels' form. What a load of crap!!! The only thing I got from this article is a bunch of jealous people complaining because their names aren't posted on billboards.
  • pellenga
    pellenga Posts: 66 Member
    The truth of the matter is..... if your exercising...whether it’s with Jullian or Richard or with me (haha)...you’re going to lose weight. Even if you’re not doing the kettleball technique correctly...your still moving. You should be doing exercises that don't bore you and if her videos give you that, the I feel you should go with it.
  • chainy77
    I love her workouts and they worked for me. It's good to research everything you do and not believe everything one person says, they are only human, not gods.