If you are losing weight well 1-2 lbs a week, please post how much you have lost and how you are doing it?


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'm losing around 1.8 lb/week. I eat back most of my exercise calories, but try to end up with a 100-200 calorie surplus at the end of the day. I typically eat around 1500-1600 calories, and I allow myself 1 high-calorie meal (sometimes above my goal, but not above maintenance) per week. In addition to recording everything I put in my mouth, I drink tons of water (I try for 10+ per day) and exercise for at least an hour per day.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am drinking tons of water, not eating a lot of salt, eating tons of fruits and veggies, making sure I get at least 1200 calories daily (after exercise), and am snacking on fruit and nuts throughout the day. I exercise daily, usually for 30-45 minutes, sometimes more, only less a couple of times.
    My weightloss is listed on my ticker and my start date is below that.
  • vikyjoi
    I've lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks so far. Love this site.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Eating right and regular exercise. There is no magic bullet. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING! It's all you.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Losing 1-2 lbs a week...

    How? - EXERCISE - I make sure I get in around 500 burned calories of exercise a day... I do not eat my exercise calories.. but I do not restrict myself of foods that I love either

    Diet - Moderation - I eat Whole Grain Whole Wheat choices over high sugary foods, however, if I want something (ie Chocolate) then I have it, in moderation!! Eating one meal that is horribly bad for me did not make me fat... it was the 5 million other choices that went with it.

    Understanding how your body works, and how well your body will adapt to the changes you have made, is the key to weight loss.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Eating right and regular exercise. There is no magic bullet. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING! It's all you.

    Well said!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm about on par with 1 lb a week. I too drink a crap-ton of water, and I've cut down the sugar and milk in my coffee, and really focus on balanced eating everyday-even the ones where I plan to have take out.

    Before I started MFP, I used this meal plan

    I didn't follow it precisely, and only lost about 4 pounds over the summer (I did it 2x) but I feel it set the foundation for me not to just stick to my calorie in take without feeling hungry (its about 1500 cals a day) but also taught me how to grocery shop and cook healthy on a regular basis so that take out is really just an exception. When I started I told myself "its guidlines" and just let myself get closer and closer to the actual plan (save the tofu, I HATE tofu). I even printed the whole thing out (put in a binder) and with all the recipies and now its my go-to cook book.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I'm not sure exactly how much I'm losing a week, but somewhere between 1 and 2 lbs.

    I'm sticking to my calories that MFP recommends (it says I'll lose .8 lbs on that diet), I watch the types of foods I eat - really aiming to only put foods that are good for me in my body, but of course there are certain things that I cannot give up completely (diet soda, ice cream); I don't deprive myself of good foods or I would burn out fast. I eat what I like and that way I don't feel so much like I'm on a diet.

    I am doing the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Slim Down for my exercise... and I always eat my exercise calories. Drinking my water, etc... basically following the rules and it's working for me :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Eating right and regular exercise. There is no magic bullet. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING! It's all you.

    Great summary!

    I typically lose 1 to 2 lbs per week - I eat very little processed foods, lots of veggies, legumes, eggs, nuts/seeds, lean protein... I'm having tons of fun making lots of home-made versions of things (ex. pumpkin pie, hummus, veggie burgers, nutella, etc.). I drink lots of water. I try to do some kind of exercise every day - even if it's just going for a short/easy 20 min. walk. My food diary is public for anyone who is interested.

    To anyone just starting out - change slowly. I didn't get to where I am now overnight - it took about a year! I started by just watching calories, then eating more veggies, then cutting out processed foods (which helped with my sodium), then adding in more exercise.... slow, small changes add up to big wonderful change over a long period of time!

    Edited to add: I love food and refuse to starve myself! I eat my full base calories (1200/day) plus 50-75% of exercise calories, occasionally more.
  • goldspaula
    Knock on wood, I am losing 1 to 2 pounds a week. I am working out at a gym 6 days a week for at least an hour a day and staying within my calorie budget. I feel better than I have in years!!!!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    well I DID lose 3 lbs last week but it must have been water weight as I gained it back over one night of drinking tequlia, even though I made sure I stayed under my calories so now Im losing the same three lbs again >: /
  • megaloox
    Since hopping onto this site a couple weeks ago, I've gone from 177 to 172. Well, actually I was more like 180 at my very heaviest, but I started on here at 177.
    Some things that have really helped me:
    I'm doing this with my boyfriend so we keep each other very accountable
    I make sure to walk at least 1 mile every day, if not more, and I'm planning on building up to a jogging pace
    I keep myself busy
    I plan my meals ahead of time
    My boyfriend and I have kind of turned this into a little game for the both of us, seeing how we can cut calories but still satisfy ourselves. One morning, we walked 3.5 miles before even eating anything and celebrated the earned calories with a lunch at Ruby Tuesday's salad bar
    If I have a craving, I usually let myself have it, if only just a few bites, because it's easier for me to control those temptations when I know I can still have some instead of complete restriction
    We try to eat almost everything at home, though we do venture out and enjoy a good restaurant meal every now and then
    We find the lower calorie options for anything we can: grilled squash instead of grilled chicken, Portabella mushroom pizzas instead of regular pizzas, turkey bacon instead of regular bacon, etc. etc....
    Overall it's just been more of an attitude change toward food and exercise. I used to like to eat whatever I pleased and then to wash it down with a couple beers or diet coke and vodka. The best thing to do is to keep in mind that even if you plateau or gain some it back, you can always adjust your workouts or your diet to get back on track. Nothing is permanent.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Losing 1 pound per week. Eating about the same breakfast everyday (yogurt and low fat granola), Healthy Choice frozen meal for lunch (yes, yes, I know most of you hate these. Well they work for me), sensible dinner and tons of water. I work out 4-5 times a week and vary the workouts all the time. On the weekends I don't count calories very much. I try to be pretty good and only have one naughty meal on the weekend (which usually turns to 2) but I like my drinkie drinks and beer/football.

    FYI: I am 5'6", started at 160 and I'm down to 142
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I'm at between 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week. Counting calories for EVERYTHING. I don't deny myself the food I want I just either eat smaller portions or exercise to make up for it. The only trick is that you need to have more calories burning than you are consuming and... ta da! Weightloss!
  • abgre32
    Well, I have lost 9 pound so far in only 24 days, but i really watch what I eat and I started walking 3 times a week for an hour.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    So far I'm loosing one to pounds a week. I'm still just starting out only a month in and I've lost 6 pounds. I try to eat all my calories and most my exercise ones, if I'm feeling hungry, I don't force myself to eat if I'm already full though.

    I have cut out all soda for my "phase 1" I drink 7-14 glasses of water a day. I'm trying to do things the right way this time and taking things one step at a time. Next goal is going to be eating 1 fruit and 1 veggie a day (not a huge healthy eating fan and I dislike 90% of the vegetables, so it will be touhg) but I'm making little changes so I don't burn out.

    But if I feel like some ice cream or cake, by god I'm eating it :P...I make walk 30 extra minutes or not. But I'm not with deprivation diets and diets that make me feel like I"m punishing myself.

    I work out almost every day, but uslly just 30 minutes. I rotate between doing belly-dancing/aerobics, with walking, and on my "off" days i try to do a few toning exercises.

    I'm down a pants size and I don't really feel like I"m dieting at all.
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    I lose on average 1-2 pounds a week.

    I gave up carbonated beverages beginning of the year (including diet drinks), I only drink water, green and herbal teas.
    Rarely use salt and limit my sodium intake, no fried foods and low number of carbs.
    No refined sugars and limited canned foods.. no prepacked meals.
    I've never been into red meat, so I only have it if my body feels it needs it.
    Otherwise it is turkey, fish or chicken... no lunch meat or anything like that.
    Maybe have bread once or twice a month and barely have processed foods.
    Portion control has been a huge factor and eat smaller meals more often. Plus learning to eat until full and not stuff myself because something tastes good. Learning to indentify what hunger feels like and not eating out of habit.
    I don't keep snack foods in the house... because if the food is not there... you won't eat it!
    I bike on a stationary bike a few times a week, stay busy with mg dogs, gardens and yard work, etc.
    I allow myself to eat food I like, but in 1/2 portion and fill in the rest with salads and vegetables.. that way you are not deprived and less likely to gorge on food you shouldn't.
    Also, I don't drink alcohol.. period.
    I adore cooking and making everything from scratch, so I find things I like and find ways to make them fit my dietary needs.
    Once every couple weeks, I have a free day where I give myself permission to eat 1 portion of whatever I might be craving and be perfectly ok with it.
    I garden and grow my own food as well.
    For me, it is not a diet... it is a lifestyle change and being as natural as possible.
    Just replace one bad habit at a time with a good alternative and slowly it becomes a habit and you move on to the next change.
    It's not about being thin.... its about being healthy and doing what you can now to live a long active life in the future.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    So far it is 29 pounds in 11 weeks, so slightly above 2 per week. I try to keep between 1100 and 1400 per day and use about half of my cardio exercise calories. I eat clean about 75% of the time, I use the KISS method of cooking (Keep It Simple Stupid). I was walking on average 90 min a week and using resistance bands for another 90 min a week. Now that I am out of school I should be able to up the cardio weather permitting. I started with a BMI of 49 so my loss at the start was significantly higher. I even managed to lose a pound during my vacation last week.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I"m reading everyones posts! I find this interesting. Whether they are a individual who is strictly eating clean or someone is watching calories and exercising faithfully. Or someone who just made a few eating changes. They are all still losing about the same. 1-2lbs.

    I personally have had trouble loosing weight at a decent speed despite good eating choices and regular exercise. I wanted to see if only people who were very strict in the foods they ate and who were doing intense workouts were loosing 1-2 lbs a week or if someone who watched their calorie intake and exercised less intensely (walking, yoga, pilates, etc) could also loose 1-2 lbs a week.

    Look forward to reading more posts!!
  • emmie85
    emmie85 Posts: 18 Member
    first week i lost 5lbs 2nd lost 2lbs, then last and this week only 1lb. but its still a lost. im just wacthing what im eatting trying to keep to my 1200 allowence. i also do swimming started off twice a week, then gone down to one and none this week :(.
    like other shave said, if you really want something, go for it, but only have a little amount and either include it in your allowence or do more exercising. I dont fancy the gym, but only wanted to lose it at a steady pase anyway.

    Good luck everyone