Monster inside of me

I think I have created a monster????. All day I'm so fixated on food that it drives me crazy! And in return I think or feel like I'm hungry all day and I try so hard to only sabotage it at night! Help‼️ I have got to change my frame of mind! And stop letting the control me‼️‼️. Anyone else battling this monster❓


  • Dianahebrown
    Dianahebrown Posts: 1 Member
    Definintely! I lost nearly 20kg initially by getting into the right frame of mind then gained half of it back. I can't seem to find that "right" frame of mind again. I am fine if I am busy but when I'm not I think about it way too much and end up eating far more than I should.
    I seem to be better on days I have worked out in the morning though. I think it works in two ways, I know I have those extra calories so I don't obsess (and actually end up eating less than I should) and the exercise motivates me for the day and helps keep me on track.
    I am also finding things to distract myself like chewing gum and mineral water.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I get this way too sometimes. I find that if I preprep my food for the day (breakfast and lunch) and have a plan for dinner, it's better. Also, keep yourself busy during the day. I get the munchies when I get bored.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Unfortunately most of us go through that before we finially reach our goals. Its takes mental toughness and the right frame of mind.
    Move forward, fall back a bit, move forward again....its all OK if you are continually making progress. The goal is worth the effort and once you get there and can add in more calories its a nice reward.

    It also occurs to me that maybe your body needs a few more calories? Add in 100 more and see if that makes a difference. Dont starve yourself. :)
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    So, are you having a boy or a girl?

    Wait, that monster, right??
  • candace71
    candace71 Posts: 13 Member
    Darn head hunger! ???? yup that's all it is. Oh Sinisterly she's a beast????‼️ LOL