Hello all- would love to meet people

Hello! I've been using MFP for about two months now, but I have not introduced myself on here yet. I'm a 23 year old who needs something new.

I have struggled with being overweight my entire life, and being only 5 feet tall & curvy does not make it any easier. I used to just exercise when I was younger, but now I'm working towards being more mindful of what I am eating as well as getting in exercise. I've tried weight watchers before- I did experience some success, but I also felt kind of trapped and it was more difficult to guestimate whether I had the points to eat something that didn't have WW points on the label. I don't have a smartphone, so I couldn't just plug it into the app.

So far I really like MFP- like a lot of others, I think that I am always at my healthiest when I am accountable for my choices; so I am hoping to make this stick.

Feel free to message me/add me- I'd like to meet people so this is more of a motivating experience and not just an anonymous one.

I am finishing my Masters in education in May, and I love to read. I'm a bit of a self-confessed nerd who loves comics, doctor who, sherlock, buffy, gargoyles (the show), and much more.


  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    hey! we're already friends but I figured it'd be good to add in my two cents. I'm also just 5' tall so I know exactly what you're going through, and I've also tried the whole WW thing but got really sick of it after a couple of years. it was way too expensive anyways.
  • Hello to both of you, I just joined. I started walking/jogging with my daughter because I gained a lot of weight last year. I am 5'3" and have been doing a lot of driving for my business. I have been doing the walking for about a week, so it's time to kick up the healthy eating another notch!
    I have my most challenging time at night when I want to go in the kitchen and get another helping!!
  • tautailgate
    tautailgate Posts: 26 Member
    I definitely know how you feel! It's so hard when you get the evening munchies.I try to keep some stuff that is tasty, but lower calorie around like skinny cow bars, luigi italian ice, yogurts
  • tautailgate
    tautailgate Posts: 26 Member
    Exactly! I've made some progress on here so far, so why not keep going when I'm seeing results- for free?
  • Hey there! Welcome to the community. I've added everyone who has posted here in hopes that we can keep each other motivated!
  • KrisherLee
    KrisherLee Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, my first time reaching out to online support, but here goes nothing. we all have to start somewhere why not here. Im a 36 year old mother of 5 kids and in the last 4 years gained 50 pounds and can't shed a pound. I attend college full-time and have decide to take the summer off to get healthy before I graduate with my bachelors degree next year. I would love to hear the tricks that help in losing weight and using MFP..... look forward to getting to know new people...

  • fbranch05
    fbranch05 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you add friends? Hello everyone
  • ohlalaitsamd
    ohlalaitsamd Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! I'm the same as the OP..i've had MFP for a while but never really took advantage of the community..would love to have "friends" as motivation
  • Sourdiesel79
    Sourdiesel79 Posts: 33 Member
    The bit that is taking me time to get used to is accepting that it's okay to feel hungry and then drinking lots of water to compensate. Once you get over this it becomes a lot easier (although not easy!) You just have to stick with it. I find having snacks in makes it worse because I then have something available I can eat - vending machines at work are also a big temptation! Must be strong...
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :) I'm Ramona, 18 years young. Feel free to add me!
  • tautailgate
    tautailgate Posts: 26 Member
    I just try my best to be honest with adding food to my log. There are days that you are going to look at your log and know that you could've made better choices, but you have to just move forward and make different choices the next day.

    Personally speaking, I try to exercise at least 5x a week and I look for snacks that are lower calorie but let me get a bit of a sweet fix when I need it.
  • tautailgate
    tautailgate Posts: 26 Member
    When you click on the person's username, it will bring you to their profile page and there is the option to send them a request to be their friend!
  • Sourdiesel79
    Sourdiesel79 Posts: 33 Member
    I just try my best to be honest with adding food to my log. There are days that you are going to look at your log and know that you could've made better choices, but you have to just move forward and make different choices the next day.

    Personally speaking, I try to exercise at least 5x a week and I look for snacks that are lower calorie but let me get a bit of a sweet fix when I need it.

    Your right the key bit is being honest with yourself and recording all your food - if you don't then you might as well not bother with MFP. Keep away from the sweet stuff though!
  • KrisherLee
    KrisherLee Posts: 5 Member
    Just click on their profile picture and when you get their page there will be a blue tab for add as a friend ....good luck try to add me if you would like.

  • janelovesnyc
    janelovesnyc Posts: 6 Member
    I've become a huge fan of the 100 calorie snack pack. There's lots of options that can satisfy the sweet tooth without eating a ton of calories. (Just make sure you eat just one! I've been guilty of keep going back to grab one and before you know it there's 400 calories haha)

    We're pretty similar!! I'm 22 and also pretty geeky :)
  • SuperSammi22
    SuperSammi22 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello, beautiful people!

    My name is Sam and I am 21 (turning 22 in less than a week). I also happen to be pretty high on the geeky scale. Love love love anime, comics, sci-fi and conventions. I log and work out every day and have seen some success so far. I have also become a fan of cooking new/healthy recipes, so I can share what I have learned so far if needed. I love having friends as motivation, so feel free to add me!
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    Heyyyyyy! Im Jemell
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    you're welcome to add me :)
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me hun! I log regularly!