Need Help Slimming Down and Getting Lean

Hi friends, I'm Lee-Lee!

I started this MFP account a few months ago in order to track my diet and exercise habits. However, I have a hard time sticking to healthy eating habits and a consistent workout plan (though my exercise habits are certainly better than my eating habits).

I'm a college student living on campus and I eat at the dining hall, so sometimes picking healthy options and managing my portion size can be difficult. Does anybody have any advice for how to manage these problems?

Also, my goals as far as fitness go are 1) to lose about 10-15 pounds, 2) to burn fat in my problem areas (especially my belly! I have the dreaded pooch and it does NOT look good on my frame), and 3) to tone my body in general. I have never had a fitness trainer or coach before so I don't really know how to begin as far as strength training goes. Anybody have any beginners' tips?

To give some context, I'm 20 years old, I'm 5'4", and I weigh about 135 pounds.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you so much!


  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    The dining hall can be tough. You really need to know exactly what you are putting into your body and exactly how much you are eating to accurately know what's going on. I'd imagine taking a small scale to weigh your food is out of the question. It's really hard if you have to guess what's going into your body. You should see if you can find out any nutritional information on what they are serving. As for strength training, sorry but you can't lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Just doesn't work that way. That doesn't mean you shouldn't train with weights, but you should get down to your preferred weight and then work on adding muscle. has lots of information and workout routines for women to get you started.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    It's quite possible the nutritional information is available for the dishes in the dining hall. I remember info being posted when I was in college in the 80's. Aramark is even in MFP. Just look for aramark on campus. Aramark specifies carbon footprint for the dishes too.

    Most campuses offer a healthy line and a vegetarian line. Our dining hall offers a grill line where you can get a plain grilled chicken breast or a garden burger.

    You may just have to do some digging to find the nutritional info--check out the food provider's website. Menus are probably posted with links to nutritional info.
  • ygurmendi
    Hey girl! I'm pretty similar (college student wanting to lose 15-20 pounds.. and 5'4"!). I ate on campus for my first year at school when I lived in the dorms, and I know it's very tempting to grab everything in sight! Personally, I used to eat a salad, which would take me by the pizza, and once I grabbed a slice of pizza it was like I was obligated to get fries, a burger, grilled cheese, etc….

    My best advice is to take things to go. I know at my school we can take containers (bought from the cafeteria), load them with food, and take them to our dorms to eat. I'd usually take salad (all veggies, absolutely no croutons/other toppings, and most importantly, no fatty dressings like ranch…just veggies and a little vinegar and pepper.) If there is something like grilled chicken available or a stir fry station at your cafeteria, that is a great option. I'd usually skip the rice and just get steamed veggies and tofu, or chicken!

    Something to really focus on is breakfast. Try to have a bowl of oatmeal with berries or other fruit, or an omelette with lots of vegetables; stay away from things like sausage, bacon, weird powdered eggs, and things like that. Skip out on the waffles/cereals (those never seem to fill you up! I would get hungry very quickly whenever I had those for breakfast!) And take whatever fruit you can (I'd sneak an apple or orange into my bag to take to class if I get hungry throughout the day).

    All I can say, is resist the urge to eat the sugary, fatty crap they serve! Make the wallpaper on your phone a motivational quote or picture to keep things in perspective.

    Best of luck :) Feel free to message me on here if you want to talk! xx
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member

    Check this out:

    Try a session or two with a trainer at the rec center--it's probably pretty cheap. It's really important to learn to lift safely and with good form. Otherwise, you won't see results and could get injured.

    I love Muscle and Fitness Hers and Fitness RX for Women. They're two magazines which feature women competing in figure competitions, and they have GREAT workout and nutrition articles.