Just can't grasp running! HELP!?



  • alathIN
    alathIN Posts: 142 Member
    It sounds like you may be trying to run too fast.

    Many of the top running coaches (google Bobby McGhee for one major advocate) advise that > 90% of your running should be done at a very easy aerobic pace - meaning you can carry on a non-breathless conversation.

    If you're running harder, to the point that you get breathless when you're trying to talk, you are running too fast. Not only does this increase your likelihood of injury, it also is not very good for increasing your aerobic base.

    You can try a program like C25K, or just set up a program of your own - like 4 minutes easy run, 1 minute walk, etc.
    I would not advise trying to set time/distance goals at this point. Just set a goal for overall duration of the run and overall minutes run per week - and increase these only slowly, like 10% per week. Also take every third week where you reduce your overall volume by 30% for a "recovery week."

    It's great that you're thinking about running with your SO - it can be a very nice quality couples activity.
    If he has much more run fitness than you, to the point that you have a hard time running together, there are some things you can do to even it out.
    One routine my wife and I like: we both run together at an easy pace (very easy for me) for 8 minutes.
    Then she starts walking, while I do one minute of sprinting, bounding, or some other higher-intensity interval for 1 mintue.
    Then I turn around and walk back towards her. We usually rejoin before the 10 minute mark, and start the next 10-minute cycle with 8 minutes of easy aerobic pace.

    So she's doing: 8min easy aerobic, 2 min walk, repeat
    I'm doing: 8min very easy aerobic, 1 min something hard, 1 min walk, repeat.

    The other thing you can do is run around trails or neighborhoods where you can take a shortcut and he can take a "long cut."
    But my wife and I have found that the 8:2 / 8:1:1 routine works very well for us.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I'm a very novice runner, so take this for what it's worth.
    Slow down... don't kill yourself to run. You'll never actually like it if you don't. Programs like C25K are awesome, or you can run/walk your own intervals. Ain't no shame in taking a short walking break to lower your heart rate either. Keep trying. There are still some days where I freaking hate to run, but overall, I like it more than hate. Good luck!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I also am not of the mind set that just because we go running together- we have to RUN together. Go to the park where you can run at your own pace but still see each other and high five/warm up and stretch together and what not. - you do sprints- he can putter about doing longer runs and you can meet at the end and call it a day.

    I agree 100% here. I mostly run alone, but now that track is over my 13 year old runs with me and my boyfriend. We all run at different paces, I'm a 11 - 12 min miler for 3 miles, my daughter 8 mins and my boyfriend, I have no idea what he does. He runs fast, then walks then runs then walks. I can't do that. My daughter just likes to run with me most of the time so she can talk the entire time LOL The boyfriend just leaves us (he usually takes the dog). But we start togther and meet back at the finish.
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    I love your reason behind getting better, but let me just add, that there's nothing wrong with being a great sprinter as well!

    I'm the same way and spent many guilt-hours wanting to be more of a distance runner. After years of trying to do something I just hated, I learned that I was still in great cardiovascular shape, as running for miles and miles isn't the only metric for judging fitness. Not to mention the fact that I didn't care for the physiques of those who trained at that end of the spectrum.

    Besides, if perhaps the greatest athlete ever, Bo Jackson could hate distance running and not do it, then it's okay for me to not like it.

    But if you want to do it with your guy, go for it. But if you don't want distance running to take away from your love of sprinting, that's okay as well.
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses!
    The reason as to why I wanna run with my boyfriend is to encourage each other and something for us to do together after work.
    I believe I'm going to try the C25K app and hope it works! :)

    Thanks everyone again!!!
  • prettykitty01
    prettykitty01 Posts: 26 Member
    I used to run 63 miles per week during my insane phase a few years ago, and I feel like it's important that I bring out the "mind over matter" aspect of it. No matter what you'll be able to force yourself to put that foot in front of the other. There's a meditation technique where you focus on your entire being, look at your conscious self, and basically see that as floating just above your head. So you can look down and say, "I'm up here, that thing down there is moving forward, and while it is an extension of myself and it feels the desire to stop, I do not."

    Sounds utterly nuts but that technique has gotten me through more long distance runs than anything. Having the right kind of music can also help if you're a music listener. Anything that can get you in a state of entrancement to where you don't think, you just do.

    Also try some stabilization training for a month or so in addition to your running - it'll work wonders for any aches and pains you'll have due to existing muscle imbalances.

    I enjoyed this response. Thanks. I try to remind myself of "mind over matter" when I struggle running, but I really like your specific tips.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Lots of people are finding success with the C25K apps...there's one from the makers of Zombies! Run! that I'm trying, and it definitely has me going at least 2 miles every other day, although it's half walking. The storyline keeps me motivated to continue. I understand that the full Zombies! Run! game is even better. It costs a few bucks, but well worth it from what I hear. Once I complete the Zombies 5k I'll be moving on to the full game.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Oooooo....also, if you go for the regular C25K apps...make sure you choose the one which works with MFP so it will link and automatically feed your info on time and calories burned. Apparently there's a few different apps out there now, but only one links up to MFP.