Will this weight training routine work?

I am brand new to lifting!

I am currently doing 4 days of weight training on the machines since I am new to it all. I use all the machines (sorry, don't know their names), but basically it consists of 3 leg machines, 2 that work the back, 2 that work abdominals, and about 6 that work arms.

I am lifting anywhere from 65-85 lbs, 3 sets with reps of 12. My full session takes me about 45-60 minutes, depending. I usually fail at the last 1 or 2 reps on the third set.

I also do cardio 6 days a week for about 30 minutes, just because I really like it. Trying to eat at a surplus, but some days end at maintenance or slightly under. My BF% right now is approximately 19%, I am female and about 5'8". I am taking in approximately 1 gram of protein per lb of lean body mass. Will I see results on this? About how long will it take?

(Also, when eating at a surplus, do my NET calories have to reach my goal? Or so long as intake reaches goal, I'm good?)



  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Will it work for what? - What are your goals?

    gain weight?
    gain strength?
    gain muscle mass?
    all of the above?
  • Will it work for what? - What are your goals?

    gain weight?
    gain strength?
    gain muscle mass?
    all of the above?

    Oh, sorry! I am looking to lose body fat and gain muscle. Mostly I want to see definition instead of being kinda soft.
    Edit to add: I feel I am "skinny fat". I want to change that. I want to be more muscular and stronger.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    In that case, in terms of diet you should probably aim to eat at maintenance to 'recomp' i.e. lose fat and gain muscle. In this case you would need your NET calories at the end of the day to be your maintenance calories so make sure you eat back your exercise calories.

    This is a very slow process but as a newby you should see some results. As you progress and results slow down, you may prefer to enter bulk/cut cycles where you eat at a surplus for a while, followed by a period at a deficit. While at surplus you will gain some fat along with the muscle, which is why the cut phases are necessary - to 'cut' the fat.

    In terms of your training regime, a full body routine 3 x per week is a good place to start. To progress you need to ensure you are consistently adding weight and/or reps. And while machines may seem good as a beginner, you may want to look into switching to a free weight barbell programme such as Stronglifts 5 x 5 as this will work your muscles harder and build better overall strength than machines.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Eat at maintenance (TDEE). You could go a bit over on days that you're really active if you get hungry, but watch the scale on a weekly basis.
    Your routine looks great. Don't overthink this. Right now, just do it! You can't go wrong.
    When that gets easy, then increase your weight, not your reps.
    It's also good to do core exercises like pushups and planks, and HIIT exercises that increase overall body strength.