How the hell do you do that? Just tell me for once!



  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    The way I do it involves there not being a wagon for me to fall off of. My lifestyle has changed. The whole concept of people doing something only temporarily (a "diet") to lose weight really irritates me.

    My lifestyle still involves occasional unhealthy things but I never feel like I've "cheated" because there's nothing to cheat on. And I can't fall off of a wagon that doesn't exist. Just limit and plan for the unhealthy indulgences, do them, enjoy them, and move on. Or if it happened in a moment of weakness, damage control or don't, and then move on. It really is that easy.

    Totally agree! My mantra is underneath my ticker :laugh:
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    YEP, uhhha, totally, been there, done that and yes - more times than I really want to know. But sometimes you have to just's over, done with and today is a brand new day. Don't look back. This is a journey no matter how long it takes.

    :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    WIll power. Period.
    You have to realize that you are worth the hard work.
    Until you do, you're going to keep doing it.
    All in your head!

    Yes, that is true.
    I personally do well until someone offers me something I shouldn't have...."Oh, we're going to order a pizza, you're going to eat some, right???"....grrrr...I don't say 'no' very well. If you have a day where you just make all of the wrong choices, move on and focus on tomorrow--that's the best advice I was ever given. I have yet to really 'go without' and I've lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    The harder you push yourself, the closer to the edge you'll get. Stick to your plan as much as possible, but enjoy yourself a little from time to time. That doesn't mean go crazy, just have something you enjoy. A couple weeks ago I went to a party. I ate queso and chips, then some pizza, and even a couple m&m's. Today I'm going out with a few friends after work and I'll be having a few beers. I might even pop a wing or 12. Granted, I planned ahead and ate a little less throughout the day so I have "room", but you can't deny yourself all the time.

    Most of the time I'm perfect. My days are planned, my workouts are hard, and I enter everything religiously. But if I didn't let loose from time to time I'd LOSE it.
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    thank you guys for so much support! I have been ONTRAC last couple of days........ and hope to keep up.
  • bmuelling07
    Are you an emotional eater? If so, there could be something that sets you off and makes you binge. It could be stress, loneliness, hopelessness, doubting yourself.. all sorts of things. It's one of my big problems. If you binge, look back on what you were feeling/thinking when you decided to reach for the food. I am learning to recognize my triggers and it's helping immensely. Good luck!
