hi! ipod app user just went online...

kateronnie Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
been using the app a little while now, but i left my ipod at work today... i remembered i could update online & now i have discovered all the things the pal has to offer! this is definitely is the best lil helper ever. i love to carry it in my pocket and be able to update in seconds & really kno what i'm eating through the day. it's like the thing i've always wished i had...

now i find out theres a community too... very cool. sometimes people don't really talk a lot on these things... or very few people are talking in small clicks... so i'm interested to see how things go here.

My name is Kayte. I'm 32 and getting married in 4 days!! I have 2 great girls from my first husband & another with my fiance.

I have an eating disorder. I've studied about nutrition and diets, I've been fat, I've been thin... I've been anorexic which dropped the weight and bulimic which doesn't help it just increases the binges.. Despite wanting to change, I'm never really able to push myself into that will to make it happen... here I am fat again & have been for the past 3 years or so... steadily climbing from 160 back to 270 over the course of a year... last year i got down to 230 then changed my life all over again & steadily went back up to 260... today i'm 255 i've been doing crappy job of watching what i eat... i've been binging... i wish i was doing more starving... but really all i want to do is break the cycle & learn how to get healthy & appreciate myself at any stage...

anyway that is me, i've introduced myself... :) cheers for now


  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    4 days? I've got 4 weeks! Good luck with it, I know how stressful it is at this point, can't imagine what it's like at that close!
  • I have been using the Iphone app for a while and like you found the site and how much it offers, Welcome!
  • Hi everyone:smile: ,

    I have the i phone and the app...I love it because I can log my food and my weight no matter where I am but I also love the online site...It offers so much more! I think that having an online community for support is great. I would like to add the face book updates but I still have a hard time letting the entire world of all my friends know just exactly how large I've become. For me it's quite embarrassing that I have let my self go again. :blushing:

    I can so relate to your issue..:sad: ..I have been dieting and blowing up :explode: back and forth for several years now. I weighed in at 215.5 when I started. I have lost 9 pounds in the last 2 days...I'm sure it's mostly water weight but hey it's 9lbs! I never had a weight issue until I was in my mid 20s I'm now in my mid 40s. It was then that I quit smoking :smokin: and blew up.....I was always between 105 & 115 until then. I have tried many diets...IE: weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Adkins....you name it! I'd lose and keep it off for a little while and then gain back even more....I'm so sick of being overweight and unhealthy.....my BP is through the roof...I can't walk up a few steps without huffing and puffing like I ran a marathon!:yawn: LOL. So I've decided it's time for a serious lifestyle change.
  • This is my first time posting on here too!

    I love this App! And I'm starting to get used to the whole forum, and message boards :]

    Hi guys!
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