Going Vegan!



  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Have you ever been a vegan or vegetarian before? its usually pretty tough to just become vegan right off the bat. Most people become vegetarian first. And there is a difference. most people think of vegan as never using or eating any animal product what-so-ever. and a vegetarian usually eats eggs and dairy. I am a vegetarian, and dont think i'll ever become a vegan.

    Vegans especially have to plan out their diets. There are so many different nutrients and vitamins they dont get unless they do this. Plus its expensive and there arent many, hardly any healthy products out there for vegans. And unless you love to prepare your own foods from scratch it can be tough to eat vegan. Can you be healthy on a vegan diet? yes sure. Would I recommend it? no. why? because of the very reason it is difficult to intake all you need. Vegans must pay attention especially to vitamin d and b and iron deficiencies. And i'd like to point out that just becoming vegan wont automatically make you healthy or lose weight. I am a vegetarian for ethical reasons, not health. Am I perfect? no..i eat *gasp* eggs and cheese. I feel i'd sacrifice my own health if I ate vegan. so i just do the best i can.

    I lift and body build. And for me, just eating beans for my protein just wont cut it. Its too high in calories and you have to eat a lot. I cant eat that much. So i get my protein from egg whites, soy milk and whey isolate powder, greek yogurt. Unless you body build you only need about 40-50 grams of protein a day. If you do and want to build muscles you'll need a little more. I try to intake 100 or more a day. To get complete proteins on a vegan diet you must mix different foods, like lentils with oatmeal or something. But eggs and dairy are complete proteins.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I just heard about Alicia's book and really want to read it! I take it is was good...I have been veggie for over 15 yrs but I am going Vegan...I would love all the assistance I can get! But I am doing it for humane reasons as I am a Animal/Human rights activist....I love animals so I have to give up the dairy for the animals and the earth!

    Interesting thought... How does giving up milk fit in?
  • wellnessdoctor
    Congratulations to all of you making a smart healthy decision!

    Dr Troy