Make ahead smoothies?

erelyl Posts: 48 Member
I'd love to start having a smoothie for my breakfast, but in the morning i'm lucky if i make it out the door anywhere close to on time. An extra 3 minutes to throw together a smoothie is sadly not going to happen for me right now.

Any tips on making ahead and still having it taste good and not separate? Is there something i can add to maintain the texture, or would it work to freeze individually and just grab a serving on my way out the door?

I'm thinking i'd just make a serving or two each night for the next day.


  • RageEight
    RageEight Posts: 14 Member
    This sounds very similar to my situation. I sleep about as late as I can, and don't want to take the time in the morning to make anything at all. I'd rather do it the night before when I'm awake.

    I haven't had any separation issues with my morning smoothies, so I don't have any advice on what to add to them to combat that. I do stir them up for 10 seconds or so before consuming, but thats it. I take a late lunch, so I have my smoothie as a mid morning snack. I usually freeze it, and let it thaw during the morning. I've also let them sit in the fridge over night, no issue either.

    I either have a strawberry/banana/nonfat greek yogurt/almond milk smoothie, or kale/banana/pb2/nonfat greek yogurt/almond milk. No separation issues with either for me.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I sometimes make a whole week's worth of smoothies on the weekends, freeze them, then take one to work each day. I use a Blender Bottle without the little whisk ball since they're water-tight and work well in the freezer. The smoothies do separate as they thaw, but it's no big deal. I just shake them up for a few seconds and they're (almost) as good as new.