Swimming Advice

Hi all! I am looking to get back into swimming. I am fairly out of shape at this point but I used to love swimming! I know how to swim and know how to do the different strokes.

Any advice on how to ease back into it? Things I should tackle out of water first?


  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I have enjoyed joining the Masters Swim Club in my town. I find it pushes me to do better and improve, more then on my own.
    I am training to improve my endurance.

    If you are already a competent swimmer, then you just need to start putting time and km in. My coach also told me last night that I should aim to keep my heart rate above 140. Feel your pulse for 10 seconds, count the beats, if you are at or above 23 beats you are in a good range. (Check your pulse: beats in 10 seconds x 6 = your pulse) This is to help train for endurance. If your heart rate is lower then take less breaks.

    I find its good to stretch afterwards, especially your hip flexors. They get tight with the kicking.